Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 11 September 1921
Complicated jag last night to write my "Astral Atlas" for Book 4 Part III [Magick in Theory and Practice].
Opus[1] I 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig] with Cocaine, Morphine and Ether; the two latter taken in order to sleep, But Leah woke me up. Time 9.0 A.M. Op[eratio]n Excellent, but the orgasm too easy. El[ixir] Retained in cucurbite. Obj[ect] "Concentration", but my subconscious revolted, and wanted to interpret the Yi symbol as "Big Moon" and impregnate my Whore. She had a similar trouble.
Slept practically all day.
Said: I seem not to be able to think except by means of my mind! ! !
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]