Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 22 September 1921
Woke feeling slightly better and started painting.
9.45 P.M. I will begin a list of the pictures in the Chambre des Cauchemars [Crowley's bedroom].
The Main Wall: La Nature malade. Below: Four degenerates—between Christian and Jew at prayer.
Wall above door: Japanese Devil-boy insulting visitors.
Double panel of door: Faithful on the gallows.
Wall of Arch: R. Chinese Demon. L. The Scarlet Woman.
Wall left of door. Top: Bird meditating at Ghizeh
Shelves. Below: Part of N.W. main picture.
Wall above window: The sea-coast of Tibet: Egyptian Aztec arriving from Norway.
Wall right of, beneath, and lower left of window: Toad (on N.E. Wall) watching Sam Weller imposing silence on Oxonian. In front of these, a dragon-serpent begins to devour the 7 Hanged Wives in Bluebeard's closet.
Wall left of window: Monastery in Caucasus.
The Window: Recess: The long-legged Lesbians.
Panels, inside: Dancing girls. D[itt]o outside, upper right. Tahitian girl and her Eurasian lover. Lower d[itt]o: Temple at sunset. Upper left: A girl in a garden. Lower left: Four monks carrying a black goat to nowhere.
Lower right of door: (belongs to N.W. Wall main picture). Middle d[itt]o: Chinese dragon-dog on guard. Upper d[itt]o: "Satan trembles when he sees / The weakest saint upon her knees."
Wall above doorway: Blond lady and her negro lover.
The doorway: Arches, R: Pregnant Swiss artist holding young crocodile. L. Morbid Hermaphrodite from Baso-tuland.
Inner Panels of Shutters: Top R: Old cathedral by the sea in a thunderstorm. L: Byzantine Cathedral in Holland. Middle R: The Great Gooby Glacier. L: Moonlight on the Watsee-matterhorn. Bottom R: Blasted Oak being blasted some more. L: Venus on the Loring canal.
Wall above door. Nevermore (Raven on bust of Pallas)
Door, upper panel. Chinese landscape with pagodas. Lower panel. R. alcove: "The house of Pleasure". L. alcove The Eternal Idol.
Main Wall. "Love is all". Nine lovers of various species, watched by spotted Dog and bowl of newly-invented fishes, in an Arabian Nights city by a river; volcano and other mountains in background.
12.20 Noon. Perhaps Aiwax calls nothing To MH = 418. Then 8 might bt 'H = The and 80 some feminine word meaning 'idea' or 'force' or the like. E.g. BoH = 80 a cry, esp[ecially] battle-cry; even the battle itself. But this is not ineluctable.
Heard Mimi Fraux at odds with tyranny at last: hurrah! What to do? [I Ching Hexagram] 43 Kwai Water of P[hallus]. Have her throw in her lot with us: new chance in life.
What shall we do in out next IX°. Air of Air Sun LVII. Invoke for the Word of the Equinox of Libra (which occurs on Friday 23rd 1.20 P.M.)