Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 23 January 1922
P.M. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] and I took Howard [Howard Shumway] and Hansi [Hansi Hammond] climbing on "The Parson's Nose—i.e. lower part of buttress bounding the grass slopes which form a delta between the High and Low Men on the South of the Rock on their SE side. I append a very rough sketch from memory of the principal details of the Rock.
A. High Man.
B. Low Man. B1. Lion's Paw, Right. B2. ditto, Left.
C. Ruined church.
D. "Deep Ghyll".
D. d[itt]o Pinnacle.
E. Easy way up from town through old gateways.
F. Scrambling way up through gap in sea-wall: traces of a gully.
G. "Tantalus Terrace" a broad ledge sloping up to left, ends abruptly in a precipice—a safe pitch crowned by an old corner tower.
H. The Parson's Nose.
H. (H) The Needle Ridge.
I. The Grass Delta (path to Low Man through hole in old wall).
J. Cemetery.
K. Cathedral.
L. Lighthouse.
[Another sketch now appears]
1a. Overhanging pitch "Eckenstein's pitch"—666 failed 22-1-22.
1b. Wide-angle shallow corner "Beast's Wriggle" climbed by 666 22-1-22.
K. Steep faces (unclimbed) leading to arete.
G. The Devil's Chimney Ridge—bounds Gully on its left. Vlimbed only above "The Notch".
U. Eigerwand (unclimbed) bounds Gully on right.
A. "Lulu" cave pitch with jammed stone (Climbed Jan 22, '22).
B. Lala Gully: ill-defined broken pitches leading to "Middle Meadoe. 22-1-22.
G. The Cavern. 666 and Ninette [Ninette Shumway] in Spring '21: 666 Jane [Jane Wolfe] and Howard in summer '21. Route outside shock-stone not yet climbed.
D. Ill-defined Gully "Cecil" leading to small ledge above cabe. (666 and Russell [C. F. Russell], Winter '21).
E. "The Slab", short steep pitch between A or G and F.
F. "Middle Meadows" Slopes of grass and rock extending across whole gully.
S. "Professor's Chimney"—leading to "The Notch" (666 and Russell).
H. The Notch: square-cut gap in arete.
Th. "Deep Ghyll" Pinnacle: still virgin.
I. Lea's Nose: irregular buttress in centre of gully.