Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 25 March 1922



Yesterday was a complete moral débacle; I simply staggered through the day; and I am not much better now. But as soon as I have obtained the Word of the Equinox of Spring—which I will do forthwith—I will begin the regimen set forth above, and start on Part III.


5.16 P.M. The Word [of the Equinox]—flashed into my mind by Aiwaz—on the instant as I invoked—is Heru-Ra-Ha. The Message is III 70-71 (Cf. III 35. Where He is called by two names) This is the day of Stretch forth and Conquer!


The fortune of the Abbey of Thelema at Cephaloedium [Cefalu] in Tunisia is this: K[teis]/Fire Fu [I Ching Hexagram] XXIV Recovery. Its Work: Fire/Earth [I Ching Hexagram LXII] The Bird! Deal with details.


The Work of the AA Earth/Air [I Ching Hexagram] 18. Troubles: really Service. The clearing-up of the obstacles to progress.


The Personal Fortune of Babalon Leah [Leah Hirsig] Alostrael. K[teis]/Earth [I Ching Hexagram] 15. Humility. Continuing in service, she becomes recognized as the Great Women she is.


My own. Air/K[teis]. EARTH [I Ching Hexagram] 20. Manifestation: I come into my own.


Aimée Gouraud: personal fortune Water/P [I Ching Hexagram XLIII].


Part I I I


10 P.M. I begin the third—and presumably the last section of this record of my triumph over temporal trials.


he plan is to go to Hardelot-Plage on Friday and spend 2 weeks with my Babalon [Leah Hirsig] (and, I hope, Booth-Clibborn [Arthur Booth-Clibborn] and Gwendolen Otter) rewriting "Snowstorm" for the stage; and if B-C [Booth-Clibborn] comes, his 'Amia Zamia!" [?].


11.22 P.M. My 'suggestions' came off very wonderfully well about morphine and so on: I did use Heroin about two or three times through lack of faith, but I never denied that I was a silly ass. I will now to bed, having written various letters to prepare various degrees of hell-fire for various people. Good work!



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