Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 22 June 1922
An XVIII Sol in Cancer
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It would take a year to describe the events of the last two months—it's worse than Tristram Shandy! So I shall merely recommence the Magical Diary.
Today I heard from M.H. Fra[ter] Semper Paratus [James Thomas Windram] 6º = 5o asking for authority to found a new Order on certain lines.
I have issued a Charter in the following terms:
[the handwriting changes at this point from Crowley to Leah Hirsig.]
Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law.
Anno XVIII Sol in 0°0'0" Cancer Ex Aede
PAGAD Zenith of London England
Know all Men and Women by These Presents that I, ΤΟ ΜΕGΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ 666, 9º = 2o A∴A∴
Do hereby Authorize and Empower James Thomas Windram M.H. Fra[ter] Semper Paratus 6º = 5o A∴A∴ to give form to the Creative Word of this Aeon THELEMA [in Greek] by instituting an Order under the name of the Order of Thelemites according to the Constitutions issued herewith.
Love is the law, love under will.
Ordained to take immediate effect.
[Seal] 6º = 5o A∴A∴
Witness my hand: 666 ΤΟ ΜΕGΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ 666, 9º = 2o A∴A∴
Countersigned Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] 31-666-31 BABALON [in Hebrew] 8º = 3o A∴A∴