Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 21 March 1923
3.46 P.M. Abbey of THELEMA at TELEPUGOS or CEPHALAEDIUM in the island of TRINAKRIA or SICILIA, I The Beast TO MEGA THERION 666 9º = 2o A∴A∴ LOGOS AIŌNOS THELEMA duly performed the Ceremony of the Return of the Vernal Equinox accepting my Magical Weapons in the Word (above is shown its source). SAMAhARRAhORI (Sama Doric for Seema a Sign, token or Omen; a signal for combat; tumulus of tomb = STĒLĒ Seal; stamp; constellations. SAMA = 242 = AHA spelt in full = 11 x 22. Arra seems connected with ARRHN male, strong. Arra = 242. 242 plus 202 = 444 (q.v. Liber D). ORI is Horus. The Word therefore means "The Battle-Signal to advance given by RA HOOR KHUIT. (ORI) = 180 see Aud's [Raoul Loveday] last vision).
Note: Total enumeration of Word = 624 = 4 x 156 confirming the general idea. It is the manifested temporal power of BABALON.
a. Thelema Oracle: CCXX.III.11 Conquer.
b. Personal Oracle for 666. VII.VI.39. "For our red powder of projection is beyond all possibilities". Interpret by Yi. [I Ching Hexagram] XX. q.v.
c. The Work of the Order. [I Ching Hexagram] II. "Bringing Forth".
d. The Work of the Abbey of Thelema at Cefalu. [I Ching Hexagram] LXI. The Boat. Inmost Sincerity. To advance steadily with confidence: to increase its scope; to avoid exceeding its legitimate functions.
e. The Fortune of the Abbey. [I Ching Hexagram] XLVI. "Advancing and ascending". Great good fortune: beware HUBRIS. Note Line 3 "into empty city".
f. Physical fortune of 666. [I Ching Hexagram] LXIV. 1st month, weakness, 2nd reconstruction, 3rd avoid compromising myself: but make big plans. 4th Advance to attack the forces of Darkness. 6th Enjoy Quietly the fruits of Victory. Avoid HUBRIS.
g. Personal fortune of Alostrael [Leah Hirsig]. [I Ching Hexagram] X. "Propriety". The will impregnating the feminine Nature: courageous action defies danger successfully. 1st month; continue regular course, 2nd ditto; more easily. 3rd avoid bravado. 4th go ahead with vigilant caution. 5th advance resolutely, allow for dangers. 5th Sammasati.
h. Personal fortune of S.H. Fra[ter] AChD [Charles Stansfeld Jones]. [I Ching Hexagram] XXXVII. Communicate to others your realization of the Light of the Law. Rule your adherents wisely and firmly: you will be recognized as a Master, and your Royalty admitted.
i. Personal fortune of M.H. Fra[ter] Semper Paratus [James Thomas Windram]. [I Ching Hexagram] LIII. "Gradual advance". An alliance leading to good fortune: steady progress towards a sure foundation for your work: overcoming of hostile pressure and internal obstacles by means of exalted action and well directed effort. Expect some recognition and admiration in the 6th month as witness to your success.
j. Personal fortune of Soror ESTAI [Jane Wolfe]. [I Ching Hexagram] X. See g above; note identity of symbol with that of 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig].
k. Personal fortune of lay sister Ninette [Ninette Shumway]. [I Ching Hexagram] II. See c above. Motherhood.
l. Personal fortune of H.H. Fra[ter] AHA [Frank Bennett]. [I Ching Hexagram] II. See c and k above.
m. Personal fortune of Fra[ter] OMNIA PRO VERITATE [Norman Mudd] Probationer. [I Ching Hexagram] XLIII. Spring begins in O.P.V.'s 1st month: join 666 but do not imagine that this action per se guarantees attainment. Make a public profession of adherence to the Law of Thelema; and ask for suspension of judgement, promising to justify your attitude in due course.
2nd: Anxiety about your position; appeal for sympathy and help. Expect violent attacks but have no fear they will change you in any way.
3rd. Go ahead, careless of circumstances bent wholly on achieving your main object. Time will vindicate your action.
4th. Expect to be handicapped by personal difficulties. Dismiss your own ideas and prejudices from your mind: abolish all thoughts of self and act blindly according to the (arbitrary) ordinances of the A∴A∴
5th. Uproot every thought which might interfere with the free growth of your Tree of Life. Act with vigilant concentration in close accordance with your True Will.
6th. Be ready to stand absolutely alone; independent of all help and sympathy soever, even that of the A∴A∴ or 666. (Do not attach pedantic precision to the above presentation of the future in terms of months. It shows the general sequence of states; the temporal division is chiefly for convenience, though sometimes it comes out surprisingly accurate).
n. Personal work of Fra[ter] O.P.V. [I Ching Hexagram] LIV. Acceptance as the devoted Complement of the Creative Energy of 666, vowed to give Form to his Idea, and to transmit its image in intelligible terms. Avoid acting upon 'original' impulses.
1st month. Accept the position assigned to you in the Abbey, and forget you personal defects and limitations. Trudge steadily onward despite any such inhibiting thoughts.
2nd. Fix your gaze upon the goal: Let no personal regret or cravings weaken your will.
3rd. Do not allow feelings of personal dignity or affection to arise: your pride and pleasure must be to rejoice that you are a Servant of the Order.
4th. Do not worry about time: the work will be accomplished sooner or later that the Gods' design.
5th. Increase your Inmost Light (drawn from the Sun 666) by dispelling any clouds or lack of Harmony with other luminaries.
6th. The Work though finished may seem sterile and ineffective: leave it to the Gods to find their own advantage from it.
The nature of the Work itself: the application of critical Energy to the Flood sent forth by the Lords of the Aigh (irrigation Works to utilise the swollen Nile). The Brooding of the Holy Spirit on the Waters of Creation, and the consequent formulation of the Name [Shin Samech]. Hence the appearance of "Heaven" or the Firmament, the Air (Breath or Voice) born of the Marriage of Fire and Water. The manifestation of the Sixfold Star (Sol, the Beast, the formula of the Union of the active, and the Passive, God and Man). Note that Shin Samech = 340 = 1 plus 2 squared 9 plus 9 squared plus 10 = 3309 [?] plus 31 = Shin Teth (XX plus XI) plus LA—or AL. Kwei Mei is also "setting the Thames on fire". Shin and Samech, Fire and Water, echo the idea of the complementary character of T[he] M[aster] Th[erion] and O.P.V.
o. Personal fortune of lay brother Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond]. [I Ching Hexagram] XXIII. "falling" or "causing to fall"—which it is depends on him. If he be unstable, and try to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, he will come a cropper. He must fix his vague aspirations. The superior man can lead others to follow and support him. The temporiser, opportunist, Mr Facing-Both-Ways—will overthrow his own dwelling by pulling away the bricks from the foundation. Doubt, irresolution, sapping the strength of the framework of one's couch or its legs, will overturn it or smash it up altogether, and its splinters will skewer his scrotum.
p. Personal fortune of Fra[ter] Genesthai [C. F. Russell]. [I Ching Hexagram] LXIV. May get through his present ordeal with success if he sticks to it: but it is in danger of HUBRIS when he finds himself victorious. (I have some doubt about the symbol: 31-666-31 was tired: the divination was an afterthought, and 666 had relaxed his concentration. It seemed to me a reaction-symbol put up by the released elementals as a mild joke on me).