Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 23 April 1923
(Recorded by Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] for The Beast.)
O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] arrived yesterday—also two Oxford boys, friends of Mr. Green [Raymond Greene]. Jolly party.
This morning 666 was summoned to the Office of the Commissario—Ferris, O.P.V. and Alostrael accompanied him. The visit told us that "we" were expelled from Italy, tho' the official notice simply mentioned 666.
(Yi symbols in reference to the Expulsion Order on next page. These also are recorded by Alostrael, the sticks having been manipulated by her.)
Yi symbols taken with re The Expulsion.
1. General symbol for the present situation? [I Ching Hexagram] XLVII. Water of Luna. Constraint.
2. Symbol for our general course of action with regard to it (in the widest sense)? [I Ching Hexagram] XLI. Earth/Water. The Thwan: Consider the occasion as sacramental. Line 1 Prepare to move. [Line] (2) Be steady. [Line] (3) Prepare to reconstruct. [Line] (4) Seek relief from friends. [Line] (5) Accept substantial assistance. [Line] (6) Turn the situation to advantage by increasing sympathizers. (There should be an unexpectedly large number of such ready to help us).
3. Should we make a direct protest to the Minister of the Interior? If so, what should we say? [I Ching Hexagram] VII. K[teis]/Luna Thwan: Yes. [Line] (1) State our case systematically. [Line] (2) Press the matter. [Line] (3) Beware of divided counsels. [Line] (4) Retire in order to advance. [Line] (5) Refute falsehoods about us. [Line] (6) Make it clear that we represent a wide-spread and important movement.
4. Should we appeal to our National Ambassadors in Rome? [I Ching Hexagram] XXVIII. Water/Earth. Yes, but don't expect much result.
5. Describe the place to which we should remove. [I Ching Hexagram] XVIII. Earth/Air. Thwan. Cross the water. Consider the matter very carefully. An unsettled country; an uncivilised country; a country in which the family is more important that the state; and an independent country.
6. To what point of the Compass shall we turn? (3 sticks only)
A hilly country N.W. or N.E. (South in the Zodiac, the A.C.)
(Note. This has been crossed out by The Beast as useless.)
7. Shall we go to Africa? [I Ching Hexagram] LIII. Air/Earth. Very favourable.
8. What part of Africa will be best? [I Ching Hexagram] XLIX. Water/Sun. The coast or some well-watered spot. Open to the North, centrally situated. A place with good communications.
9. Describe the actual neighbourhood of the spot in which to settle. [I Ching Hexagram] VI. P[hallus] of Luna. Thwan. An isolated spot, possibly difficult to get to. [Line] (1) A spot where our present difficulties are unknown. [Line] (2) A very small place. (Not more than 300 families, i.e. a village of less than 1500 inhabitants.) [Line] (3) A place previously indicated. [Line] (4) A place where people are indifferent to public affairs. [Line] (5) A place where the manner of the life of the people does not touch ours. [Line] (6) A place which has undergone vicissitudes in history.