Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 7 June 1923
Die Jupiter
Consulted Dr Th[omas] Domela.[1] Curious chain of ‘small’ events. Photo of Jungham in his office—he knows Jacot Guillamod [Jules Jacot Guillamod]—we discuss Himalayas—he comes over to us in the movies & asks about a golf course in Tunis—I offer to architect it & get worked up—see solution of all my problems a stroke-decide to make good by cutting off heroin ‘cold turkey’—plunge into hell about midnight, vide records following—late Sunday afternoon get question finally formulated & act according to answer.
Thursday night late, by the way, had an intuition that Domela would be a great beneficent influence in my case—recognized him as an old friend in some Chinese incarnation—tested him by O.E. [Oscar Eckenstein]] method & got him as a vast calm & prosperity-bringing figure. Worked out some ‘normal’ ideas about the Golf Course.
Note: Ruin of modern golf is slogging. Write short essay on how to improve the game theoretically. Sunday afternoon, working with shew-stone, realize that Rosy Cross is inadequate; I need the Light of the Star that is still & shining—I lament that I have not got it to work with Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] instantly produces my own Silver Star made to my design during the Cairo Working to represent my Order. I work with it &obtain the most marvellous illumination upon my Way.
1—[Crowley’s doctor in Tunis, who he went to see about stopping his heroin habit.]