Aleister Crowley Diary Entry


Sunday, 17 June 1923



Die Sol




My friend failed me!


Began rough comment on LXV. Did Chapter I, ending at 3.30 a.m.!


11 p.m.


From 11.15 this morning I dictated Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] till 8.30 p.m. with one short break for lunch. I did it on [Cocaine].


4. [Heroin] today: 3 needed, & the last to worship Hadit for the purposes of Opus I (vide infra) I always wonder after this sort of thing why I feel tired! What a stupid ass & a cowardly puppy I am!


I also read LXV carefully: I find Chapters I & II intelligible, though II (Air) harder than I (Earth). But III (Water) is quite obscure to the part of my mind that writes comments, while exalting my lyrical apprehension with utterly lucid brilliance. Chapter IV (Fire) is quite beyond me; but V (Spirit) has several ‘literary’ passages with evident applications.


11.22 p.m.



CRUX: Shabmodar





Φεγιων τερσουαι[2]


WEAPONS: Calix Sancta Φοιυιξ O.H.O.

Hasta Sanctus Μελας Shab.[3]


OPUS: Dulce: amore plenum.[4]


Τελος:[5] Increase of moral control of my mind to enable me to resist pressure from bodily sources tending to interfere with my due & efficient performance of the Great Work. (Special reference to disease, need of stimulants, natural fatigue, & loss of ability to sleep & wake at will.)


ELIXIR:[6] Delicate, sweet, & aromatic.


RESULT: (Thursday following) after the instantaneous reaction the current began to flow silently. I have had practically no craving, & am down to 2 doses [Heroin] today. Dyspnoea etc. have disappeared almost completely; also the mental depression, anxiety, & loss of control.


My love tells me that the Arabic word for ϕαλλος[7] is Aswa, which sounds like a Temurah of Aiwass; also that Cor Corporis is called Thelma. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] must ask [Dr.] Domela[8] for the correct Arabic spelling of these words.


(Note that II, 55 says nothing of the letters of the English Alphabet.


Its ‘order’ might be its relation with reality, e.g. Its ‘value’ may be in the possibility of using its onomatopoeic energies in invocation, etc., e.g. to construct a spell in which sibilants predominate to call forth the silent swift & venomous vibrations of the Serpent forces. The ‘new symbols’ are evidently the moral ideas necessarily correlative with the sound-values determined by the gestures of the vocal organs, e.g. the idea of continuous vibration expressed by N—one actually feels this when one sounds a continued N—referable to the Serpent as one who moves by this means.)



1—An operation of homosexual magic with Shabmodar who Crowley had met on 16 June.

2—Phegion tersonai.

3—‘Weapons’ for the operation were the Sacred Vessel of Phoenix (i.e. Crowley’s anus) and the Sacred Spear of Melas (= black) Shabmodar. In short Crowley was buggered by Shabmodar.

4—Sweet and full of love.

5—Telos = object of the operation.

6—The combined sexual fluids.


8—Crowley’s doctor in Tunis, who he went to see about stopping his heroin habit.


