Aleister Crowley Diary Entry
Saturday, 14 July 1923
Die Saturn
Hail to Khephra!
Yesterday I bathed from 2 to 6.30 p.m. (after a morning of dosing & depression—due to overwork on Thursday). Worked on 777—edited provisionally all God-columns. After dinner discussed various points of holiness, from Clap downwards.
10.30 a.m. (Shooting of Ali Fathnay in Savoy Hotel.) Cosmopolitanism evidently involves the conflict of moral codes & the destruction of national & cultural guarantees of good manners & conduct. What is true of Port Said & such Euroclydon centres is now true of the Savoy Hotel. It being possible to revert from Cosmopolitanism, the necessary issue is the establishment of a Cosmopolitan Law. This must be Thelema. This fool was shot for not knowing CCXX, I, 41. Worked hard on LXV all day—till 1 a.m. Sunday.