Aleister Crowley Diary Entry
Friday, 20 July 1923
Die Venus
Hail unto Kheph-Ra! The curious colonies of blisters which I acquired at Montauk & have continued at odd times ever since have now started to grow very fast. Dr Domela[1], to whom I showed them in 1920, had never seen anything like them. I had tried everything except Zinc Ointment. He suggested this, & it worked wonders. But the colonies transplant themselves to other sections of the foot; so I have ringed my zinc-greased blisters (after opening them to let out the serum) with Tincture of Iodine. This has proved effective in preventing their spread. But these last few days they have got ahead of the treatment. They appear, mushroom-like, almost while one looks on. E.g., I discover a new patch. I open the blisters, two or three in all, antiscepticize the area, zinc it up, iodine it round-half an hour later there are perhaps 3 new blisters in the same spot. I will ask Domela to have another squint.
10.25 A delightful day telling stories & talking Qabalah to Eddie Saayman. His arrival has been a touch-stone: my mind is once more elastic. I reacted simply & easily, just as I did in my first year at Trinity.
Hence the excellent story—see the Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]—of Dr Porson (alias Baxter) & his spaniel. Bar a slight feeling of strain in inventing the spaniel, the whole dialogue was deliciously spontaneous.
1—Crowley’s doctor in Tunis, who he went to see about stopping his heroin habit.