Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 6 August 1923
Die Luna
Hail unto Kheph-Ra!
1.30 a.m. I woke from a condition between sleep & trance: Erlosung der Erlosers! The conversion of The Beast 666 to the Formula of Horus is evidently supremely difficult. It means shifting the Centre of Gravity of the Human Race! For 6 is Microprosopus itself, the heart of the Ruach, the Dying God par excellence, & the very soul of Intellect. To turn this suffering self-conscious Man into the Innocent Child hoc opus, hic liber est!
Note: mankind seems to progress against the course of the Flaming Sword. Thus the Isis-Aeon corresponds to Netzach: Osiris (after a Scorpio-Virgo intermezzo, represented by Buddhism, Advaitism, Zoroastrianism, etc.???) reaches Tiphereth. Tiphereth is directly converted from Osiris to Horus: Geburah & Leo come in too: & Gemini as the Children. We have Libra as the next Aeon-to reach the full Horus-Mentu stage, I suppose. . . . This isn’t quite clear, & I feel very tired & ill.
1 p.m. Ill—I should say so. Woke with a frightful bilious attack. Cause, the chemical preparation called Pommard at the Restaurant de Tunis. (Never again!)
10.30 p.m. Eddy Saayman came in & spent the day, thus saving my life or at least my reason. I was certainly fed up—& yet doing my LXV quite gaily. It’s a strange state. However, I think I shall consider this L.M.R. [Lesser Magical Retirement] at an end. I know pretty well how I am, what I can do, what is needed, etc. The next stage had better be to get the Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] into perfect shape, & published. Meanwhile, continuing getting more fit physically & mentally—& prepare for Tizi Ouzu.
I emphasize mentally, because I still have moments in which my literary sense & my childhood mis-training & my knowledge of psychology get the better of my good sense. It is an elaborate thesis & I am too lazy to explain it just now. But I am really afraid lest something should give way in my mind: it would be so fatally easy to accept anything that would lull me to sleep. The devilishness of the temptations that beset me is past belief! I am really convinced that the most needful thing for the Great Work—for the Aeon!—s to build me up against these insidious attacks. I am (so to speak) sitting in my stall watching the play of the insanity of my mind: & who knows how this may be the partition between seeing & being the Buffoon.
11.44 p.m. Finished the Comment on LXV (Rough Draft).