Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 22 September 1923



Die Saturn


2.45 a.m. Hagged [dictated The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] from 5 to 1 a.m.


5 of Pantacles once more asserting itself, yet I press on through the storm. The others are splendid: of course Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] is used to it like an eel to being skinned, but O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] & Eddy [Eddy Saayman] are new to such stupid misfortune.


Some days back I was meditating on ‘the outcast and the unfit’ in CCXX.


‘Outcast’ = an excrement from the organism (of mankind).


‘Unfit’ = incapable of Right Reaction to environment.


One is not outcast or unfit merely because one is generally thought to be so. It depends on the man to demonstrate his organic function & his ability to do his work for the common weal: the ill-treatment of the poet & the prophet only shows the blindness of mankind to its own true interest. As if a man should put out his eyes because they show him unpleasant facts! Faeces are outcast rightly, not being living protoplasm; & the unfit must perish, as a transplanted limb almost always does. The man’s knowledge of himself as outcast or unfit is fairly strong evidence: the King is aware of his royal blood & right. [Crowley’s hand again.]


7.30 p.m. Eddy called on Consul this a.m.—Mr. Sorel, who said that, as was his duty, he had interfered on my behalf to save me from police molestation. But he showed great animosity, in the strange underhand sly dishonest way which seems to be the universal psychology of the ignorant, about my ‘views’ (of which he knows nothing) etc. etc. He ‘warned’ Eddy. Eddy snubbed the poor man badly.


11.15 p.m. Have Hagged—should end tomorrow! Depressed once more—to the limit!


