Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 24 September 1923
Die Luna
12.35 a.m. Hail unto Kheph Ra!
O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] to call at 9.30 & report on (a) assets (b) liabilities (c) next mail. If unsatisfactory, an Oracle of Thelema and (if necessary) a Yi King divination shall guide my actions.
1.25 a.m. The midnight meditation has told me several things which few children of average intelligence under 3 years old know thoroughly . . .
1. A Bank Balance is maintained (or increased) by paying in money, not by drawing it out. (This applies to questions of sleep etc. To take Ethel [Ether] when fagged out is to draw a new cheque—yet I have wondered why (woke up!)
2. CCXX. I. 42-43. I must win out or go under as 666. I can’t ‘earn my living’ as a dock labourer. And ‘success is your proof’. I owe it to 93 to succeed.
There were some other points but they have faded out: I get a ‘hunch’ that Marky’s letter will be the fulcrum, and a hint that I should give O.P.V. the right of veto on any proposed contribution.
1.55 I recall an insidious etymology. Dean = decanus. One is tempted to think decanus = deacon & wonder why Dean > [becomes] deacon. But diaconus is a totally different idea.
[Norman Mudd’s handwriting:] 11. a.m. I take an Oracle to determine our immediate policy with special reference to financial conditions. [Liber I] VII. 3. 42. ‘That pallid God with face averted, that God of subtlety & laughter, that young Doric God, him will I serve.’ Word: young.
Yi divination.
Question. Interpret this oracle.
Yoni of Earth XV Khien [I Ching Hexagram]
Meaning: Humility.
We should go & live in the way involving minimum expense and ask the help of our neighbours.
Main idea: Use severity against ourselves.
Question: Give us detailed advice as to how we should act to meet the immediate financial crisis.
Result Moon of Earth XXXIX Kien [I Ching Hexagram]
Advantage in SW. Disadvantage in North East.
Meaning: Advantage in creative work
Disadvantage in material plan
We should apply to some man of position for assistance, in a straightforward, dignified, and earnest manner.
Line 1. Any new movement would lead to greater difficulties. It is best to hold our ground. [Line] 2. O.P.V. to assume responsibility, carefully eliminating any personal motive. [Line] 3. Do not start anything new. Stay where you are and pick up old threads. [Line] 4. As line 3. [Line] 5. Things get worse but assistance is on the way. [Line] 6. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. The luck will turn.
There is going to be a man of position by associating with whom our difficulties will be removed.
Question. Should we borrow on personal valuables immediately?
Water of Water
11.30. [Question] Indicate our practical economic policy on the large scale.
Meaning restriction.
The Thwan—Act, not speak.
Line 1. Live in the cheapest conceivable way. [Line] 2. Economize on food & drink till a position is obtained of authority & profit. Make a magical formula of this. Avoid taking active steps. [Line] 3. Accept the restriction due to the unshakeable fact of distress. Make a merit of discomfort. Shut up and don’t try to forget our troubles by being bright and amusing. [Line] 4. Resume activity slowly. [Line] 5. Practise austerity. Take unpleasantness as it comes as a satisfaction. Make it a Magical Formula. [Line] 6. Abandon the Great Work. Meditate on past mistakes so as to go ahead when the time comes without error.
[Question] How should 666 act to carry out the above?
[Earth/Sun] [I Ching Hexagram] No. XXII Pî
Let him devote himself to Art and poetry. Try social channels of success.
[Question] What should 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig] do?
[Moon/Water] [I Ching Hexagram] No. LX Kieh
Might look for a job as a secretary or teacher.
[Question] What should O.P.V. do?
[Fire/Kteis] [I Ching Hexagram] No. XVI Yü
He should devote himself entirely to getting a move on about our general idea.
Let him use tact and sympathy right.
[Question] How should Eddie [Eddie Saayman] carry it out?
[Air/Sun] [I Ching Hexagram] No. XXXVII Kiâ Zăn
Appeal to his family and make himself generally useful to us. [End of entry in Norman Mudd’s hand.]
7.18 p.m. Concrete proposals for regular income. 1. O.P.V. to get job, preferably in or near London. 2. Eddie to take pup[il]s at Oxford. 3. Both to try to sell articles of mine as their own arranging for regular work. Offer to write anything needed. 4. 666 to move to near London or Paris to be in touch with this 3 if it works—in case of topical stuff being wanted. 5. All receipts to be applied by O.P.V. thus: 1. Support of all 4-4 Cefalu[1]—on minimum scale compatible with best Energy. 2. Collection of assets—stock of books in particular. 3. Marketing of old & new assets. 4. Seeking capitalist. 5. Creating fund for investment for future needs—e.g. purchase of house & land on Island.
[Marginal note:]
Actually owing me: [William] Collins (on 3 ac[count]s), Seabrook [William Seabrook],G. C. Jones [George Cecil Jones], W[ilia]m. Rider(? Qy), Marky [Edwin Markham], Williamson, Watt & Co, Chiswick Press, G. M. Cowie [George Macnie Cowie], Leila Waddell. Do not wire Marky who has written.
[On opposite page:]
Interview of O.P.V. with Consul if necessary. Eddie to go too: ask for a full half hour. (At noon on Mars [Tuesday] either O.P.V. pays Hotel, or asks it to wait till next mail: if objection, says: I’ll see Consul).
[Margin note:] Insist on speaking of me as Sir Aleister—Explain why but don’t yield; or he will think you dishonest. Tell of G.C.J.'s [George Cecil Jones] murderous breach of faith as my trustee.
Refer to Austin Harrison, H. L. Mencken for my position in literature. Challenge him: say what class of literature you respect, & I will show you some work of A.C. of that kind which you will admire.
1. Prove A.C.’s status by showing (α) Himalayan Book (β Press reviews earlier work. (γ Contracts with Collins & Wm. Rider (δ) examples of my writing—as Poetry—Hebrew Dict[ionary]—to show seriousness & scholarship. Affirm falsify of libels; state time [?] of knowledge.
2. Set forth causes of crisis (α) long persecution (Collins last letter (etc.) hampering business; (β) thefts of Cowie, Warner &c. (γ) exile as causing extra expense of living (δ actual delay of cheques due.
3. Ask him (α) to square T.[unisia] P.[alace] H[otel] to date (β) allow 666 & Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] weekly supplies (γ ) pay O.P.V. & Eddy fares to London. (δ) Wire [William] Collins, Conn [Blanche Conn], [Eddie] Saayman, Sr., Dutton [of William Collins, publishers] (to wire number of copies of D.F. [The Diary of a Drug Fiend] sold to date & amount [of] royalty on each). Aimée [Aimée Gouraud], Shirley [Ralph Shirley], Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller], [Ernest] Radcliffe, Fielding, Anatole France, [Israel] Zangwill, Marston [Guy Marston], Mrs Clarke. O.P.V. to pledge himself to get work at once, & repay out of salary. A.C. to turn over all receipts to Consul until square. A.C. & Alostrael to agree to accept any job in Tunis if required.
1—Ninette Shumway and three children remained at the Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu.