Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 28 September 1923
Die Venus
2.15 p.m. I slept well but am still very tired.
I must write to Lea's [Leah Hirsig] people for funds to get her to Switzerland.
O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] & Eddy [Eddy Saayman] must go to England. I must join Lea[h] when I can. Eddy’s £100. 1. Await Marky’s [Edwin Markham] letter. 2. O.P.V.’s essay on me as a Puritan.
Quote Gramm’s Funeral as my life’s guide & 2 Poets of Croisic 38 last line.
My attitude to sex, drink &c.
Quote various incidents.
My heredity.
Quote poems &c. for proof of mind.
Austerity of 93.
No time for libel actions.
Charges examined by internal evidence.
Challenge to prove any one of them.
His personal experience of me & my psychology.
Apparent faults explained, e.g. in war. [Point 2 all bracketed by large ‘P’.]
[A page of financial calculations omitted.]
Moore? starts Oct. 7 arr[ives] Pal[ermo] or Tunis, arr[ives] Abbey Oct. 15?
5.15 p.m. Working on assets & liabilities, plans, letters asking help &c.—all p.m.
[Question:] Describe the place to which Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] ought to go to regain health & strength, as soon as O.P.V. & Eddy have gone to England.
XVIII [Earth/Air] [I Ching Hexagram Kû]
‘Troublesome labours’.
666. A place where the physical plane preoccupies the attention.
Thwan. Possibly a place by a great river. A place where life moves slowly. Line 1. A place which has in the past suffered on account of its rulers. Line 2. Ditto ditto nationality. The suggestion is of a frontier. Line 3. A place at present recovering from its wounds. Line 4. A place proud of its suffering. Line 5. As [Line] 3 famous for its wise policy of reconstruction. Line 6. A place proud of its independence liberty, and detachment from public affairs. A republican places, perhaps a free city.
Earth of Air in Tarot.
A bracing dry climate, forest country, with a reputation for devotion to freedom. (Proud of its political chastity—a mountainous place, possibly famous for religious reasons. The people are athletic and active, cunning craftsmen, famous for their artistic dexterity. People who dislike it object to it as shallow & knavish.
?Great River.
In a Republic.
?Free City.
Historically important.
Has been in trouble & now pulling round.
Mountainous country. Forest Country. Probably frontier.
Dry air.
Bracing climate.
Proud & free people.
Artistic religious, active, athletic & dextrous.
Thelema oracle indicating place
‘Thou hast stirred in Thy sleep, O ancient sorrow of years! Thou has raised Thine head to strike, and all is dissolved into the Abyss of Glory.’
I get a strong impression that this place should be in the devasted districts.
Indicate the country (by the lower trigram) and the section (by the upper trigram).
[I Ching Hexagram] LIX [Hwân—Air/Luna]
Indicates South German[y]—Black Forest or Vosges.
[Question:] What will happen to Alostrael if she goes to Alsace, Vostes [sic] or somewhere near?
[I Ching Hexagram] No. IV [Măng—Earth/Luna]
Could hardly be worse.
Give a symbol for Alostrael’s fortune in going to Geneva or within 100 miles.
[I Ching Hexagram] No. [X]XXIX Kien [Moon/Earth]
Increased ill health.
Symbol for Fontainebleau district.
[I Ching Hexagram] No. IX [Hsiâo Khû—Air/Phallus]
Small restraint. No good. Very bad.
[On opposite page, notes referring to vision recorded below:]
Rewrite record of vision.
(General form) to be used in all cases.
Place. Date.
Time 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. Seer. E. S[aayman].
Energy invoked. by hexagram [ritual] & Names.
Specialized Form. Intelligence Iophiel [Intelligence of Jupiter].
Purpose of Experiment. To get advice how to restore Alostrael to perfect health.
6.30 p.m. I, O.M. 7º = 4o invoked Jupiter by the Hexagram [Ritual] & divine name AL, Tzadquiel & to send Iophiel or such Intelligence to tell us Alostrael’s best cause [sic]. [End of note.]
6.30 p.m. Eddie Saayman—Clairvoyance to get advice on this matter.
[Marginal notes for this vision are inserted in text in italic square brackets for ease of reading.]
6.35. Slightly dark-greyish blue
[ (Rise vertically in easy & comfortable way.)
Cloud—pink—bright pink
K scale]. Looks
like a flat loaf of bread—circular [ Changing to grey blue.
(Enter Cloud) [ Bright sheen everywhere—light yellow or white.
(Raise wand & say IHI AUD)
Light becomes more intense & light shining in thunder cloud
Wooded—flat—small clearings
Building with diamond-shaped roof /
House shaped square-verandah round front & side /
Built of stone or plaster. Slightly yellowish paint. Tower
with leaden /
Dining hall at back—People at table.
Left—lady sitting between 2 men—ditto on right & one other man.
8 people in all /
[Margin diagram:]
Men dressed in black /
One lady in yellow evening dress the other in mauve /
Host—bald patch, pince-nez—Spanish beard—40 or more /
Well built—big—not fat, medium. Solid but not robust /
General expression of face—mirth /
Name—Peter Steyn /
Eddie says 93.
[Host] shakes head seems to be furious. He says ‘Do not interfere’ / /. /Yellow intrudes on vision several times: probably force of 666.
RT = 600 =Cosmos in Greek+ letter X/.
The woman in the yellow dress willing to answer /
Her name is Goodwill /
Leave Tunisia, go to some small place in France. It need not be far from Paris. (N of Paris.) The place does not so much matter. Complete rest and cease to worry. It need not be isolated but it must be well removed from the turmoil of Paris.
Write to friends & rely on their sympathy
(Give Greek letters to guarantee accuracy.)
[Opposite page note:]
749 Angel ruling
λεγα fr[om] λεγοs or sλεγα (of λεχ'ηοs)
reposeful, quiet, idle (hence in bad sense, lewd).
Muos a mouse (Mus) c.f. μυω.
I shut, close: esp[ecially] eyes and mouth, hence Mystery &c. The idea is of peace, lulling to rest.
The whole word is therefore ‘easeful silence-pleasant rest’ in general meaning. [End of note.]
Between 2 or 3 months-ought to be quite O.K. by Xmas.
Not advisable to take children but may visit them.
End about 7.30.
7.45 p.m. 666, without Eddie’s knowledge uses certain Hebrew names & makes certain signs in the air connected with the idea of Jupiter only by tradition of Magicians. Eddie then sees visions which he recognizes as Jupiter by their traditional correspondence (irrational) with the moral idea. He is thus able to read correctly a word which he has not seen.
No. I. 666 transferred his artificial ideas of Jupiter to E[ddie]’s mind by a sort of hypnotic suggestion /out/.
No. II. There is a sphere or plane not material in the ordinary sense, which is yet in some sense or other real, possessing definite laws, correlating its phenomena w[ith) human ideas of moral or intellectual order. These phenomena can be produced & controlled by an irrational arbitrary system of traditional methods of Magick.
8.00 p.m. Eddie felt afraid—? of what? towards end of vision. Only a short attack.