Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 29 September 1923



Die Saturn


Hail unto Kheph Ra!


1.11 a.m.

Give symbol for following advice given in Eddie's [Eddy Saayman] vision of yesterday afternoon.


[I Ching Hexagram] LII

Kăn [Earth/Earth]


Couldn’t be better: corresponds perfectly with advice.


(I get an impression of Pontoise—which I love well of old)



785 [is] a name of .


500 = ϕ = Geburah = σπ = 6.


οι σε c. f. oisif French, lazy!


ο'ις sheep ο'ισου rope—c.f. oisier



= Expectation of [Water] i.e. pleasure repose.


Amiens = friendly Abbeville = Father—town.


Calais = beautiful. Creil no good.


Dunkirk = no good.


 St. Germaine!! en Laye!!!


(Shall I ‘become’ Comte de St. Germain with a wig & beard—and start a New Legend?)


St. Germaine en Laye



871 = χαος = βαβαλου

= 13 x 67 the Womb containing the Twins.




4.00 a.m. Last night at Palmarium I began to work on a Heptopsis Theorem which I think may be developed into a gen[era]l Factorial Theorem.


7n + 1

7n + 2






10 = 7 x 1 + 3

100 = 7 x 14 + 2

1000 = 7 x 142 + 6

100,000 = 7 x 1428 + 4 = 7 x 1420 + 60 = (7 x 8) + 4

1-6 [zeroes =] 7 x 14285 + 5

1-7 [zeroes =]7 x 142857 + 1

1-8 [zeroes =] 7 x 1428571 + 3

1-9 [zeroes =] 7 x 14285714 + 2, etc. recurs.


(There is something profound in this recurrence of digits & remainders, & the symmetry of the table opposite [i.e. above])




Next steps to chop no. into series of 7 ? 6 digits & to correlate order of new figures with no. of columns.


To determine the remainder q in p—q = 7n.


 [Calculations omitted.]


Add digits of new number: repeat process if necessary: divide by 7: remainder is that of original number. Similar tables to be constructed for each prime.


  Units — 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  0  1  2
  Tens — 0  3  6  2  5  1  4  0  3  6
  Hundr[eds] — 0  2  4  6  1  3  5  0  2  4
  Thou[sands] — 0  6  5  4  3  2  1  0  6  5
10 Thou[sands] — 0  4  1  5  2  6  3  0  4  1
100 Thou[sands] — 0  5  3  1  6  4  2  0  5  3


Millions are—Tens.

10      "          —Hundreds &c. &c.

100     "

The unit digit—the Thousand digit

                              = the new Thousand digit


e.g. for 7 < 8003 write 7 < 50000

1147 + 2     714 + 2


New rule appears:


Cancel the unit digit, subtract it from the Thousand digit (adding if necessary) & so far the 10 digit & 10 Thou[sand) digit &c. &c. Thus


3  2  0  9  4  6    2  8  5  1  7  3
1  5  1  0  0  0    1  1  2  0  0  0


P.S: 7 = 4584946

9310 + 3


? add significant digits (subtracting when sum > 7). Thus 151 + 112 = 263 & treat result as if the only no.


But subtract 263 - 1 = 262 = 37 + 3.


Any multiple of 7 which strikes the eye may be removed from these new numbers, or from original no. or remainder written (thus 112 = √0 and 296 = 16 = 2).


Eg.    2  6  4  9  9  8  7  2  1  6  3  8  5  5  6  2  7  9  1  4

√          5  0  0  2  0  3  0  0  0  0  1  5  0  0  2  0  0  0  4

√          3 : 0  0  0  0  3  0 : 0  0  0  1  3  0 : 0  1  0  0  0  4


Next, remove multiples of 1001 (√2).


Next, shift remainders to unit col[umn] of each sec[tio]n.


(Adding remainders of difficult digits by table-thus 0100004: the 1 in col[umn] 5 has rem[ainder] 4.)


√3 3:000002:000004:000001

√4 Add sight[?] digits: rem[ainder] = rem[ainder] of ones [?].

√4 3 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 10 = 7 + 3.


P.S. = 7n + 3.)


To apply this method to 13.


α. Construct table


  100 = 13 x 7 + 9
  1000 = 13 x 70 + 90
    = 13 x 76 + 12
  10000 = 13 x 760 + 120
    = 13 x 769 + 3
  1,000,000 = 13 x 7693 + 1
  100,000 = 13 x 7690 + 30
    = 13 x 7692 + 4


     &c till it recurs

     (if necessary?) (see א [below]).


     Combining the methods of table, remainder square, inspection, reduction, & chopping, one should have remainder of a 1050 no. in 10 minutes.

     And so ad libitum.



6  4  8  2  1  3  8  1  2  8  6  9  2  8  7  4  2  3  1


1 : 2  0  4  0  0  0 : 3  0  2  0  4  0 : 2  0  9  1  0  1


(Remove high digits . . . (01)... :


to save multiplying later)

00  51
  00  12



[Section:] [Aleph]


√2 Next remove remainders, using tables, to right hand of bar.


  Thus for each million q = 1
  100 thou[sand] q = 4
  10   "           q = 3
  1   "           q = 12
  100         q = 9


[Experimental and confused calculations omitted here.]


New principle. Treat each million set by itself: hence table need only cover 1st million. Only: remainder must go to col[umn] on right.


Make table of no. x 1 . . . 9 for convenience of cancelling.


 — — — 11 — — — 4 — — — 15





11 — — — 15






q = 12



Try a perfect bugger 1301







P.S. No—I’m too weak at present.


1.36 p.m. CCXX, III.47 him not seek &c, may refer to child, not to 666: ‘after this’? what ‘this’? also, what ‘It’ & ‘his’ in previous sentence?


III.45 I wonder if this means L[iber] Z. 43, 44 describe Rose’s conduct & fate.


