Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 30 September 1923



Die Sol


1.26 a.m. Hail unto Kheph Ra!


I.1. & II.1 N[u] hides the individual in infinity. N[u] is manifested in the individual.


III.1. are the ABRAs the 2 which are 0.


1.31 a.m. Idea to investigate factors by remainders. Thus ÷ 3: 1 or 2 remain.


[÷] 5 1, 2, 3 or 4 remain &c &c. There should be a limit increasing with each failure to divide of the nature of the prime [?].


[The following in Eddie Saayman’s hand:]


30 September [19]23. [Die] Sol

5.45 p.m. [Question:] What course shall 666 take with regard to the situation created by Marky’s [Edwin Markham] letter.


[I Ching Hexagram] No. XXIX



6.30 p.m. I have felt rotten all day).


8.00 p.m. Hex[agram] XXIX.


 Be extremely sincere & think clearly as never before. Concentrate on the problem. Make precise conditions. A void vagueness, indecision and idealism.


Line I. Penetrate to the very heart of your conception of the problem.


Line II. Suggest a gradual solution, i.e. arrange that something is done immediately to introduce A.C. to the paper.


Line III. The problem involves grave difficulties & risks. Beware of putting yourself in Marky’s [Edwin Markham] power.


Line IV. Gain ascendency over Marky’s spirit by slow stages. Initiate him gradually. Appear in the first place, chiefly as a poet & man of letters, as opposed to the profets [sic, with Crowley’s note: ‘Oh Eddie’ above it] of CCXX.


Line V. Success will come slowly making possible a more important campaign.


Line VI. There should be a 3 y[ea]rs contract to write on highly controversial subjects of either two or three kinds. Expect various troubles, opposition of bourgeois &c. This cannot be hoped [sic] but as the natural result of any campaign whatever.


Notes for writing to Marky. Mention stock of books & what I have suggested. Emphasize my personality as his best asset. Ask him to prepare the way for cooperation pending negotiations by publishing the Mss. enclosed at once. They are of very varied kinds. He should ask his readers to write him on this special subject filling up a form of questions. A.C. offers a prize for best replies. Mention existing opposition. Ask him to smash it. Refer to Abrams. Propose temporary contract, on success of which foundation prepares way for further business. Outline this future contract 3 years & 3 main lines.


His [paragraph] 4—My material—Propose to begin by showing ability of dealing w[ith] all kinds of questions. If contract made-would write specially for its needs-Social & political articles monthly-prefer to put name but would meet views about it.


[Paragraph] 5. Sending several m[anuscript]s to introduce myself.


Enclose separate memo. about reputation.


Remuneration—$300 per month retaining fee paid in advance. Any balance in my favour calculated at 5¢ per word. When success arrives 3 y[ea]rs contract on bigger terms based on percentage of profit due to my help. [Reverts to Crowley’s handwriting.]


10.40 p.m. I give Eddie another Vision. I am concentrating on because of [I Ching] Hexagram XXIX ( of ) above. I therefore—secretly & silently—invoke Luna by the hexagram [ritual] & names appropriate. Shadda El Chai, Had, Alim, Gabriel, Cherubim, Chasmodai.


