Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 5 October 1923



Die Venus


4.00 a.m. Working all night on Vindication.


[Section:] L. Proposals for new Law of Libel.


1. As in France, man attacked may reply gratis at double length, & extra at Adv[ertisemen]t rates.


2. Crim[inal] offence to accuse any man of a crime, or of immoral conduct, without certificate from a magistrate (published with attack) that a prima facie case has been made out. Pub[lic] Pros[ecuto]r bound to act on simple request of man attacked: no defence valid.


3. If p[rima] f[acie] case made out, should Pubi[ic] Pros[ecutor] refuse to issue a writ (in case of crime) accused shall have right to demand public trial at joint expense of accuser and Gov[ernmen]t. In case of immoral conduct, accused shall have right to demand judicial enquiry into facts, expense as above: accuser bound to publish results.


4. Law of evidence. No evidence shall be admitted but such as bears on the truth of the facts alleged. Accused shall not be cross-examined on his general character or opinions; his denial shall carry absolute weight in absence of direct evidence to the contrary. Such evidence shall not depend on that of hostile witnesses, but be furnished by himself. (E.g. accused of adultery, evidence of woman, servants, &c., barred; letters written by him, &c., accepted. Circumstantial corroboration—e.g. photographs, hotel registers &c. accepted for what they may be worth.)


5. Accusations of abominable & shameful offences—criminal or no—must not be published in any case. (To protect the sensitive, family-hampered, or public-serving man from being associated with such matters. E.g. a lecturer, author, actor, clergyman, doctor, school-master, husband of invalid wife, father of children at school, college, or in army &c. is ruined if accused of sodomy, adultery, drunkenness, & the like, though completely cleared.)


Such charges shall make author, editor, publisher, printer, & all concerned, liable to imprisonment on simple demand of accused, or if seen by Pubi[ic] Pros[ecutor].


6. Publishers of any charge shall previously lodge a sum fixed by magistrate certifying p[rima] f[acie] case with him, to compensate accused if he vindicate himself.


7. Names of accusers and witnesses to be published with attack, with affidavits in support, unless excused by magistrate granting certificate.


8. Libel when false not to be held justified by proof that accused is guilty of some other offence.


9. Accusations based on deduction from accused’s speeches, writings, or acts to be acknowledged by accused as logically correct before publication.


10. Accused to receive warning before publication, a proof of the attack, in time for him to reply at the same time, under penalty as 2.


11. Accuser to enclose with proof funds sufficient to enable accused to travel to place of publication & return, with ex[pens]es during trial.


12. Salacious details (also in divorce reports, trials of ‘crimes of passion’, &c.) to be eliminated, under penalty as 2. All charges must be couched in strict legal phraseology; and all reports confined to the facts as testified under oath. Arguments based on charges or facts shall conform with these rules.


13. Public opinion shall not be invoked to condemn the accused; if legally innocent, his right of conscience shall be respected.


14. It shall be lawful to criticize the public speeches, writings, or acts of any man as tending to immorality, the hurt of the commonweal, &c. But no moral turpitude shall be ascribed to the accused under conditions as 3, 4, & 6, if so required by him, and his claim that such ascription is implicit in the attack is confirmed by a magistrate on his application.


15. ? of time—urgent criticisms or accusations.


The plea of Public Urgency shall be held to relieve accusers from the onus of these conditions, on their showing cause to the satisfaction of a magistrate.


In such cases subsequent failure to substantiate the accusation thus made without first notifying the accused shall render the accusers liable to a charge of lése-majesté as abusing the processes & insulting the dignity, of Justice. The compensation to the accused shall also rank at double rates.


[End of Section L.]


[Section:] J


G.C.J. [George Cecil Jones].


The spirit of the Settlement.


His child died partly through J[one]s’ refusal to communicate with Settlor. & he has now been ill for many months through penury & worry due to false accusations & tyranical & arbitrary persecution.


What excuse for not fulfilling duties of trustee? For objecting to app[oint] new colleague?


For defying Settlor to compel due compliance with terms of trusteeship, knowing him to be without funds.


For obstruction & delay ? to go to law. For ignoring urgent appeals?


For holding on to the option of bolting with the Capital? For persistent persecution of friend and colleague.


—Call on J[ones] to state motives, & justify actions.


Facts will be brought to notice of C[hemical] S[ociety] & I[nstitute of] C[hemistry] &c unless this be done & guarantees of future right conduct be given within 7 days.


[Marginal note:] from ‘q8 to ‘lq with no cause of quarrel but attacks in paper he knows to be scurrilous wh[ich] J[ones] well knows to be false.


6 a.m. Eddy's [Eddie Saayman] Over the Top. An Englishman (Scholar of New College Oxford B.A. 1923) having business at H.B.M. Consulate-General, hopes to meet a fellow-countryman sufficiently adventurous to share the peril of the attempt (as it is written “A lunatick & Sore(l) vexed”).


[Marginal note:] I must on proof of wire was sent; insist on seeing Baul’s reply! Insist on same to Oxford, are witness (& perhaps to truch for—pray [?].


6.20. Lots of Realization: very high.


6.45. Revelations about O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] &c. He is in my mind (‘in love’ is his worst pitfall) ? is A.l. [Eddie Saayman] our ? should O.P.V. fuck 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig] and produce a ‘mightier &c.’


I withdraw opposition, of course, as soon as he is safe from the great fall ‘in love’, He must never do this; it was his test. Q[uer]y: can he act? I doubt it. He must acquire faculty of quick judgment, yes or no. (The ordeal of Oath was what he needed: I did well.) A.l.’s (clap suggests all right!) devotion to O.P.V.’s mind as such is a clue, perhaps. He should give force in action to O.P.V.’s thought of what Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] interprets my Will to be. (‘Ware pedantic carrying-out analogy to far’.)




O.P.V. must refrain from action altogether, but criticize me & then express my Will by directing action. But he must suppress N[orman] M[udd]’s own will wholly & act as an absolute machine. His reluctance to let my Will pass for fear of rash action must go: he must do the best he can to guide the Energy, but neither check nor criticize it—i.e. from the standpoint of right or wrong. She is my language, or symbolic formula. 31-666-31 gives my Will meaning in concrete terms: what she wants for the World must be explained by him & organized & ordered &c.: then he tells just what to do to obtain phenomenal results. as Nephesch needs many men (limbs and other organs). A.l. must be (I think) the Kether of this Body, the chief of the Men of Earth. (? is A.I. [Sagittarius] ? Resembles Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] not a little.)


[Marginal note:]


  θ 666
  Z 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]
  N O.P.V. [Norman Mudd]
  L A.I. [Eddie Saayman]
  S 777
  156 [Leah Hirsig]!!!  


[Further notes on Crowley’s mathematical theories:]


Rule of 7


α Reduce 7, 8, 9 to 0, 1, 2

β Cancel obvious pairs

γ Multiply by keys and add

δ ÷ 7 : Rem = Rem[ainder].


  Key Units 0
    Tens 3
    Hund[reds] 2
    Thou[sands] 6
    10 Thou[sands] 4
    100 Thou[sands] 5
    Mill[ions] 1
    10 mil[lions] 3
    100 mil[lions] 2
    1000 6
    10,000 4
    100[,000] 5


(N.B. cut unit column from rest which then go in sixes, to avoid error the Key 0 does not recur.)




Rule for 13 Similar.


Key Units




    100 9
    1000 12
    10000 3
    100000 4
    1 Mil[lion] 1
    10 Mil[lion]  



  4962 = 48 + 81 + 62 = 192
   381 + 9 = 61
    = 9





                                      1 x 3 + 8 = 11


[Further rough calculations omitted.]


Eddy’s vision. As soon as he was well started, I secretly invoked Mercury.


[Crowley’s suggestions and Eddie Saayman’s descriptions of his vision are not distinguished in the MSS.]


Lighthouse keeper. Expl[ain] how lenses work.


John Solomon, British, born in Cumberland, leeds camps weekly boats provisions.


Lighthouse in Maiston Bay in Channel S Coast. Eddy says 93 Man anyway.


Eddy demands Truth.


Iliel—giver of Light


84? no—8 sure

8     —can't see


Correct name Illiel


Spelt ילילtt        (80)


P.S. after return [from vision] Perhaps Ilhiel ? 86 [Numerical value].




A M A R A            243 = 23 x 11

[? ? ?] א              Shiloh



A. C. Youth heart green crown 2 gre[en] flames in front.


Age 16 effeminate smooth.


Name Hermes. Sly laugh.


Say 93. Eyes green surrounded red [pupil]s (? shows [Fire] in nature)



(go on your way as you will; ask no advice, but help) truth to יC letters gell & mauve at . . . . . . . . . . . help us in search from SS nine grease


  א-א = 0 explain of ISS
    = [Libra]


Vin Blue to help explain.


What is a prime? Simple: melodies principle translation. Shakes head & lays his again (? means Joy of denial).


  40 = יד 4n liberator to . . . off third
  48 = K V K B sph[ere] & a star.
    = his truth grown warm; heat: [Fire]: black.




88 sparkling redness hot dumbness


Rowing seething burning.



                                   88 = 8 x 11 = magick of 8


יC = [Virgo] 4 (couldn't express Chesed in Heb[rew] letter—god!)


Prime is means of going from idea to matter C? Malkuth.


[End of notebook.]


