Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 6 October 1923




[6 October  1923]



Hail unto Kephra.


12.21 A.M.  Have been discussing Thelematics with Frater Adonai Iao [Eddie Saayman]. The periodicity of Primes. I find (preliminary) a fivefold scheme:




Magick: 418 : Love under will, restoring



The Unity (1 = = 0) and love, developing



The Male Trinity IAO and



The Female Trinity    whose unipn is



Life nascent : whose Energy takes the form of





Magick, restoring the Unity — Zero as



The Unity AL and Zero LA crowned and combined in ShT: which constitutes



The Male Individual Soul (as a basis for the satisfaction of the Female

Idea of Possibility of Experience, i.e.)



The Female Soul AM unredeemed or sterile, awaiting fulfilment in



Life nascient in Experience (Orgasm)





Magick of Orgasm creating a new



Unity by means of vibration (   ) which enables the unconscious Ego to

realize itself by terms of the Events of this vibration and so to desire to become



The Male Conscious Ego, ready to cause Experience by impregnating



The Female Conscious Ego (ANI) which is yet also AIN the original Nothing

considered as the cancellation of equal and opposite experience. The union

of these results in



Life (conscious) nascient in dual form (The Twins R.H.K. and H.P.K.) within the

womb of the Great Mother (BINH) (Understanding implies the conscious

and formulated menstrum of Will, the Word interpreted by mean of Form) The

birth of these Twins (The Two form Bacchus, Zeus ,

Horus and Harpocrates, the Force projected and absorbed) leads to





Magick producing the



Unity of Male and Female (ChKMH and GML the Logos and the Virgin

Ecstacy of Initiation) which in its term is expressed in dual form as



The Male (Fire) and



The Female Arrita : water GIML, the Camel GML inspired by the phallic God

or seed of Secret Unity, and thus bringing forth the Airy or intellectual and

organically constituted Body of



Life nascient (as Air is the condition of combustion, the Vehicle of the Vibration

of the Word, and the Pure Fool who shall become the Redeemer of his wounded

Father and his widowed Mother—Amphortas and the Graal Virgin as also the

Saviour of the mindless, lost, and fallen Virgin of the World—Earth, Kundry,

Malkuth, Nephesch. Of this life the Energy is





Magick in a new form, below the Abyss, reflected in water from the Great Sea

of Binah (  = Chesed =   =   ) and derived in Jupiter from the creative Fire of

Chokmah ( = = the Father of the Gods etc.)


I now leave this analysis of these series for the moment to examine the nature of their periodicity and the necessity of their sequence.


The Series contains Five Elements


0 = 2


Zero (  1 + (-1) = 0 = 2  )

Dyad, opposites made by Will/Love into




Monad ( necessarily defined by the

Hexad ( See "Naples Tree" )


3 = 1


Trinity ( Active )


3 = 1


Trinity ( passive )


6 = 10


The Hexad—Decad, Son and Daughter nascent; son expressing

the united Trinities ( as 3s ) in the Hexad 3+3 = 6)




Daughter complementary expressing them ( as 1s ) in the Decad

( 1 + (-1) = 0  {= Unity returning in to Zero} = 2 the next 0=2

Symbol of Magick which begins the series following.)



Now Series

is the

Pure Idea of this Formula


is the

Idea in terms of the Unconscious Soul (its Word



is the

Idea understood in terms if Individual Experience


is the

Formula expressed in terms of actual Dualistic phenomena

of Nature — The ideas of Male and Female, Fire and Water,

etc. realized by means of sense-experience, and rendered

intelligible by imagination, and by generalization as subject

to Law.


thus corresponds closely with the nature of Kether - - - - - Chesed: the series 97 etc. should balance the "Matter" of by Energy and the series resume by means of its 5 directrices, as Tiphereth, the Human Consciousness, does Kether, the Unconscious God-nucleus of every "Star".


I must next show the necessity of the sequence of the composite numbers : how they bridge the gaps between the primes.


Thus 12 leads from 11 to 13 : i.e. the Zodiacal equilibrated fulfilment of the Solar Cycle () is necessary to cove all possible cases of Love under will restoring the Unity.


13 to 17 Unity must express itself as 2 x 7, Love in dual form, as before when 1 needed 2. 14 produces 15, 3 x 5, Energy moving that fixed duality (Chokmah (2) becoming Binah (3) compensated by Venus (7) becoming Mars (5) ) : the Word (2) must be interpreted (3), and Love (7) excite Activity (5).


15 becomes 16 thus : the union of 3 & 5 equalizes them to 4 and 4, Binah gaining the 1, and so conceiving the Twins +2 and -2, while Geburah gives up its primal energy of 1 and becomes fixed and inert as 4.


Thus 16 = 4 x 4 from 3 x 5, as 4 = 2 x 2 from 3 + 1 (Chokmah gave Binah the 1 which it transmitted, and so reproduced itself 2 in a dual form (its own image) 4.


16 produces 17 thus. 16 = 24 : the first Fourth dimension number destroys the Third dimensional Universe (Atu XVI) and so has to find a new unity capable of creating the new form of Existence. As the uneasiness of Zero demanded a Kether to start the world wherein it might express itself; and as 12's finality needed a new Unity 13. 0 = 2 (as 0) needed 1 from series 1 - 10 and ( as 2 ) expressed as 11 a 13 for series 13 - 23 etc. The idea recurs throughout "Perfection — uneasiness — duality — unity — perfection" in the cycle.


18 links 17 and 19; for 18 is the generative 9 x the Creative 2; the illustration of duality x the illusion of stability-change : and do the double illusion called "Love" (Develop this by meditation on Atu XVIII, Kephra, Luna, etc.) 17 develops 18 because it feels its lack of the feminine counterpart, and so it creates first of all a wish phantasm of glamour, a moon-dream, and a wish that midnight should pass. Through this dream (Lilith) creates the real image of its Desire, the Female Trinity 19. 19 formulates itself (by aid of 17) first as 20 the Wheel 10 x 2 the Decad moved or 4 x 5 the fixed energized : then as 21 The Universe (Atu) XXI) 3 x 7, Binah as Pure Love, another form of Malkuth — containing AHIH the Kether — God "Existence". Then as 22 the Serpent of the Paths, the sum of the possibilities of experience. (by vibration linking all the original Ideas or Sephiroth) These are then the three possible elements which lead to 23 nascent Life (the Pure Idea of Life) Life, infusing the Universe, vitalizes (2) the organised system of the Zodiac (12). 24 This causes the 5 elements to combine with each other in all possible ways 5 x 5 : Energy realises itself in Action : 25. 25 This activity leads to the appearance of the Demiurge (IHUH = 26) who represents the elaborated (or extended) Unity (13) as the Dyad in extension : 26. His government orders the revolution of the Gunas (3) in a stability (9) expressed by means of periodic and regular change (9) — the curves of growth and decay (Moon = Jesod = 9 ) — generation ( Jesod = 9 ). He makes Air (9) the Foundation (Jesod) of the course of the three Forms of Energy (Gunas) & establishes them in solidity by cubing them (27 = 33) in the three dimensions 27. Each change must then be recorded (2) as affixed (2) event resulting from Love (7) under Will (2), (2 x 7 x 2, or 2 x 7) These events are conceived as Victories (28 = KCh Victory) To ensure that they occur in due conformity with Will, they are examined with a view to discovering the Laws which underlie them.


This Law is found to be a new formula of Magick.


29 x


The use of this leads to perfect fulfilment in Balance, = = 30


FinallyX, this Balance of extended Work is summed in a new formula of Unity — Nothing, the resuming of the original equations 0=2 and 3=1 in the Zero (LA) — Unity (AL) — Quintessence (ShT) of 31.




i.e. nearly 3 A.M. and I have slept little indeed for three nights now. Me for the G.[reat] M.[agical] R.[etirement] in the Desert.


