Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 13 January 1924



Die Sol.


12.21 a.m. Hail unto Keph Ra! (The moment he went out, I was as sick as a dog from the excitement.)


1.0 a.m. Idea for Simon Iff Story “The Criminal Blunders”. But he makes not one or two, but many; more than any conceivable criminal would. Hence Iff concludes it a put-up job. The real man is found as responsible for the supposed slight blunders.


11.0 P.M. Vomited violently just as I finished dinner. I don’t know what it all means—whether aquarius [Heroin] is responsible, wholly or in part. But I seem to have no strength or energy left. I take no real interest in anything for more than a few minutes at a time. I have no real hope, that is the root of the matter, I think. I need 667 [Leah Hirsig] badly, plus a complete change of scene and work. A light airy apartment—books—amusements—no worry. I can’t summon up courage to renew my wardrobe. I postpone everything when possible. I have but a few minutes a day when I feel fit. I resent dressing and undressing. I sleep late after going to bed early; I sleep long, yet wake weary. It is a dreadful effort to rise, even by 1 P.M. and my real reason is that is is too much trouble to have food sent up. “The grasshopper is a burden” I long for death—simply to be away from my body which weighs me down instead of being my chariot. Aiwass! Do Thou be for me in this time of dis-sease. My eyes and my mind are too heavy to read: yet I shall not be able to sleep. Aiwass! Thee I invoke.


11.44 Instantly ideas begin to flow. Let R. [G. Good] take the flat: we’ll start with “Chinese divination” by the Yi and advertise the Head “will come to Paris on ----th ----“ We take cash for appointments in advance—only short time here etc.


