Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 5 April 1924



die Saturn.


1.0. A.M. Hail unto Kheph Ra!


1.07 A.M. Awake—a long, long, gradual delightful wakening!—from a dream no less delicious. (I went to sleep about 11.30 P.M. invoking Aiwass intently). There was a cough or two—slight, with no phlegm. And I feel rested, ready to work, yet warm and languid, ready to sleep again! I take a 2/3 table of Gardenal[1] hoping for a deeper and longer sleep than last night, with a waking which shall not be prolonged after breakfast till noon with deadly dopy dozes! I will smoke 1/2 pipe and light out by 1.25 A.M.


4.10 Woke—left arm asleep. No cough.


9.30 Woke again after long excellent sleep.


11.45 Woke again—had slept from 10 circa. No cough to notice either time. Some 11h in all!


12.45 "No abstract intellectual plan of things / Quite independent of life's plainest laws".


1.0 P.M. Chapter-headings.


Part I Theory. Exordium  / The motive of life.

1. The need of mastery "at nihil"

2. The need of crossing the Rubicon.

3. The incidence of Karma.

Cap. 1. Man's spiritual inheritance justified.

Cap. 2. Man's imperfect instrument justified.

Cap. 3. The limitations of the Individual Soul.

Cap. 4. The Way of Wisdom, leading to Peace.

Cap. 5. The Way of Understanding, leading to Praise.

Cap. 6. The Attainment of Freedom.


Part II. Practice.

Chapter 1. The dynamic aspect of the problem of ethics.

Chapter II. The Past: the factors which have determined the Present.

Chapter III. The Present: the indications afforded by environment.

Chapter IV. The Future: the calculation of the resultant of all forces.

Chapter V. The problem of Inertia.

Chapter VI. Indications of success in the analysis. The Great Reward: given in The Way, with the annihilation of The Goal.


4.38 P.M. Jaja [Jane Chéron] turned up for an hour's call brought me some marvellous Iris—like metallic antimony or Graphite. She also lent Lea 50 fr[ancs]. I gave her the sketch I did of her two years ago. Also some O.


8.55 Just heard from poor A. I. [Eddie Saayman]—he has got married. God help him!



1—Gardenal contains phenobarbital, a barbituate.


