Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 29 May 1924



2.15 P.M.


Examination for the Grade of Exempt Adept.


Criticize the following statement: Browning is practically the only English Poet of repute who was not notably a sodomite. [a marginal note: except during the French Revolution. Renaissance.]


5.16 P.M. (1) Indicate type of place for 666 after Solstice? [I Ching Hexagram] XXXVIII Sol of Water Khwei. Sol of Water suggests a plage.


Line 1—The place will appear obvious when the time comes.

[Line] 2. "By-passage" suggests very quiet spot suitable for G.M.R. [Greater Magical Retirement].

[Line] 3. Sol of Water is the plain indication—no need for anxious planning.


2.26. P.M. 2. Indicate how 666 should occupy himself after Summer Solstice till Equinox. [I Ching Hexagram] No, LII Kan Fire/Fire. Thwan—Movement comes suddenly. 666 "looking out with apprehension" yet smiling and talking cheerfully. When the movement like a crash of thunder terrifies all within 100 Li, he will be like the sincere worshipper who is not startled into letting go his ladle of sacrificial spirits". Kan is lightning, thunder. Its virtue is moving, exciting power. It implies revolutionary action. (The Comment suggests that I am to succeed to my Father, i.e. to start a terrific current to assume my Father's throne.) Do not neglect Ceremonial Magick.


Line 1. Apprehension followed by cheerfulness. Good fortune.

[Line] 2. Perilous action resolved on. Beware of clinging to the past in any form or of playing safe. "Ascend a very lofty height" i.e. proclaim exalted attitude. (the abandoned past comes back without pursuit—"in 7 days he will find them".)

[Line] 3. Be very sensitive to the startling movements. Act with complete elasticity. External events should inspire right action (This as opposed to the policy of remaining superior to events).

[Line] 4. Expect to seem to be unable to act "supinely sinking in the mud."

[Line] 5. This stage seems a short period of enforced inaction. It is succeeded by perilous coming and going but there need be no loss and it should be possible to find a way to accomplish the G.W. [Great Work].

[Line] 6. All this should lead to terrific uproar. 666 may appear dismayed, tremblingly apprehensive. At this moment he must not act. Before the startling movement threaten him and his neighbourhood imminently, 66 should take precautions, then "there would be no error tho' his relatives might speak against him". This seems as if I were to strike a terrific blow of some kind and shut up or disappear at the crisis. Obviously, one might be accused of Cowardice. 666 must not mind this.


3. Describe the kind of lightning meant by Kan in previous hexagram. [I Ching Hexagram] Sol of Sol XXX Li. The meaning is obvious. Appear in public as 666, the Avatar of R.H.K. [Ra Hoor Khuit]. Thwan—Appear naturally.


Line 1. Move reverently despite confused toddling.

[Line] 2. Assume Magical vestment and throne appropriate.

[Line] 3. Rejoice. Awareness of the Trance of sorrow would being evil.

[Line] 4. (See Appendix 2)—666's suddenness of action arouses fierce resentment.

[Line] 5. Tears and groans prove inward integrity and humility. This brings good fortune. The line is divided, the core of the trigram is Nuit. 666's attitude is to be due to his identification with The Mother, the non-Ego.

[Line] 6. My mission is to punish but I am to break only the Chiefs of iniquity, not those who have been merely led astray or forces into wrong action. Keep justice in mind.


Appendix I —


1. My appearance as Sol produces correctness and transforms and perfects all under the sky.


2. The inmost idea of my appearance is to nourish, to being freedom and success to man. Hence my inmost consciousness is to be that of Nuit. (Docility of the cow, elasticity, Free adjustment. Affairs settle themselves automatically by removing restrictions.)


[In pencil, there follows:] Figure of the Heavens for the Summer Solstice (Sol in 0 Cancer0 An XX London (or Paris). Time June 21 5.0 P.M. (D.S. Time 6 P.M.]



Note on Eliphaz Levi.


9.20 P.M. When I first read Levi I was furious with him for his excursion into Socialism under Fourier. I would not read Fourier or anything about his System. My attitude was that of a man who passionately resents any allusion to some youthful folly. But when I came, during and after the war, to realize that society must be reconstructed radically, I found myself inventing a system which I supposed original with the revolutionary half of my political thinking organ, which closely resembles Fourier's system. I have evidently a sub-conscious memory of what I learnt from Fourier when I was Levi.


10.35. My False-Self Women.


No. 1 My vanity complex.—petite, passionate, decorative: to be used to shew off, to insult other men, arouse their envy etc.


No. 2. Masochist paederasty-complex. Big strong, heavy, muscular women preferably with moustaches and other masculine stigmata. Use—pleasure of abasement, suffering; ideas of complicity in crime.


No. 3. Poet complex. Classically beautiful, spiritual, preferably intelligent and educated enough to understand me. Use—inspiration of ideally nobly work. "Wish-phantasm" of age of chivalry. Any of these might within obvious limits satisfy need of friendship, comradeship, especially No. 3.


Types of No. 1. Laura Grahame (Horniblow) Helen Hollis.


Types of No. 2. Roddie Minor Evelyn Hall.


Sub-Type of No. 2. Women illustrating the limit of degradation: Olya, Cath Miller [Catherine Miller], Marcelle, Egyptian (any African) whores in general.


Types No. 3. Rose [Rose Kelly].  Hilarion Leila Waddell as Musician.  Ratan Devi Marie Lavroff.


True Self—automatically against my Will, impels me to love Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] and occasional others, whom I succeeded in getting rid of. I instinctively wish Alostrael to disguise herself as the 3 types. Hence Black and Gold Dress idea, torture idea (1920), and partnership idea (throughout). But not that I am quite unable to force myself to treat Alostrael as a Number 3 and write Rosa Mundi Series or Golden Rose about her. The real feeling inhibits the poetic expression probably because the woman is too sacred. I cannot drivel like R.[obert] B.[rowning] did about E.[lizabeth] B.[arrett] B.[rowning].


