Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 27 November 1924



Nov. 27 die Jupiter.


Left for Al-Kantava. Glorious sunset. Rain again at once.


Driven to Constantine on 28th Venus.


29th Saturday rain again hard all day.


30th Left for East. So fine: stopped at H[ammam] Meskoutine [Algeria].


Weather turned bad at once and stayed so till I did much Magick here with the Jinniyeh of the Springs. I received letters from Fra Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones]—enclosed.


See Line 5 of [I Ching Hexagram] XLV.


Dec. 8 Luna Line 6 of XLV came on. A great scene all day: the real excitement being the visit of a baby from Guelma [?]. I cried solid all through lunch.


[The following is on the opposite page:]


Dorothy [Dorothy Olsen] at Sidi Bou Said

I have got the girl I wanted

(In my heart are dagger-thrusts)

Her wicked little bat's eyes slanted

Gleaming with unfathomable lusts

Glittering slits through which the soul

Burns in hell like a live coal.


—From a fragment which survives of the Book of Oaths.)


The question arises: should I take a new hexagram, as XLV has run through its changes already. (Evidently, the present events may be mere prodromes of much bigger things of the same order.)


