1928. |
Aug. 26. |
Kasimira's [Kasimira Bass]
first letter to Yorke [Gerald Yorke]
agreeing to come in as a partner. |
Sept 2. |
Kasimira's second letter to
Yorke. |
Sept. 5. |
Kasimira drew on bank at three
months, $1,000.00. On receipt of this we put up the
money for her clothes, etc. |
Sept. 19. |
I moved to 55 Avenue de
Suffren. |
Sept. 22. |
Yorke came over for the
week-end. |
Sept. 24. |
Arranged passage for 358 [Israel Regardie]. |
Oct. 11. |
I being at the chess club, and
having asked Hunt [Carl de Vidal Hunt]
and his girl to come and spend the evening with
Kasimira, to keep her amused, she disappeared. Hunt
left a lieing note to the effect that she had just
gone to spend the night with them. But in fact she
had bundled up all her clothes and got them down
stairs secretly. She also abstracted 5,000 francs
from my little safe, knowing where I was accustomed
to leave the keys. |
Oct. 12. |
I went down to the Police after
telephoning Hunt. He got there just too late to see
me, but found me at Prunier's later. Regardie
arrived, at 1:11 p.m. Hunt came back to the
apartment that afternoon, and late that night, when
moving the statue of Ho Tai to the big bed room, I
found the 5,000 francs concealed under him. No doubt
Hunt, finding that I meant business, thought this
was going a little too far, and advised her to
return it, through him. |
Oct. 13. |
Yorke arrived. Kasimira again
agreed to carry through the business.
(Hunt was engaged October and
November, I think.) |
Oct. 23. |
Kasimira returned to the
apartment. |
Oct. 26. |
Hunt returned from London. |
Nov. 3. |
Kasimira bolted. |
Dec. 7. |
Yorke came over from London for
the week-end. |
Dec. 10. |
Mrs. Corey called. |
Dec. 11. |
Found out Hunt, and dismissed
him. |
Dec. 16. |
Hunt's blackmailing letter to
Yorke. |
Dec. 26. |
Shoecraft advises that he no
longer represents Kasimira, she evidently having
made all arrangements to get out of danger by
leaving the country. |
1929. |
Jan. 17. |
Inspector from the Service des
Etrangers. |
Jan. 19. |
Called on them, Things appear
to be clearing up, as the interviews progress. |
Jan. 26. |
Yorke came. |
Jan. 27. |
Aumont [Gerard
Aumont] came. |
Jan. 28. |
Yorke left. |
Jan. 29. |
Chef de Bureau des Etrangers
assured Aumont in the course of a long personal
interview that I should not be interfered with. |
Feb. 3. |
Aumont left. |
Feb. 8. |
I went to Fontainebleau. |
Feb. 9. |
Kasimira accosted de Miramar [Maria de Miramar]
in an autobus and threatened her. She had evidently
been having the house watched. |
Mar. 5. |
Inspector came with a summons for
all three to go to Prefecture. I was ill and asked him to
put it off to Friday, March 8th.
On the last occasion when we had
been to The Prefecture, everybody had been charming to us
and helped us out in getting our cartes-d'identite. de
Miramar and Regardie
went to the Police. I supposed that it was merely to get
those cartes-d'identite, for which we had paid and which
they evaded handing over on February 20th, when they should
have been ready. They told Regardie that his carte was not
ready, and that they could not give him mine without a
written authorization from me. As I was still, on March 8th,
ill in bed, I gave this letter to Regardie. To my amazement
they came back with a "Réfus de Séjour" dated February 15th
for each of them. An Inspector called in the course of the
afternoon to bring mine.
The Prefecture insisted the de M.
[de Miramar] and R. [Regardie] leave the country on March
9th. I intended to send them to England. But they were
refused admission on March 10th, and returned to Belgium.
(Details of this are in separate accounts). |
Apr. 6. |
Yorke came over. All this time
I have been staying in France on the strength of
medical certificates. |
Apr. 12. |
Advance copy of Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice]
arrived at 5.55 p.m. |
Apr. 15. |
Paris-Midi starts the ball
rolling. |
Apr. 16. |
Seeing reporters and being
photographed all day. |
Apr. 17. |
Left for Brussels. |