Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 20 September 1930



Sat[urday] 20.


She [Hanni Jaeger] left by Lloyd Bremen—And I get on with the Job.


7.7% [albumin][1]


To Cintra [Sintra, Portugal] Hotel Europe by 1.48.


“Armstrong”[2] Amer[ican] Consul: she said the most wooden headed idiot, even for a consul (USA) she had ever known. I agree, and add “the kind of bastard that cheats at cards even when he has a winning hand, and no stake in the game.”


Cintra perfectly gorgeous. Long starlight walk.


Two games with Pellen.[3] Lost first through trying to win a draw position. Won second easily, but lost Q[ueen] for two pieces and had to win again. This came quick, by his oversight.


Wrote Marie [Maria de Miramar] re[garding] divorce.



1—Crowley carried with himself a device to test the level of albumin in his blood, probably through urine. Other similar annotations from this point on show that he was testing the level of albumin almost on a daily basis, comparing it with his general physical condition. Normal levels of albumin in blood range from 3.5 to 5 g/dL.

2—Lawrence S. Armstrong (1895-1952) was the American consul in Lisbon between 1930 and 1934.

3—Eduardo M. Pellen was an engineer particularly active in the local chess scene.


