Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 31 December 1936



Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] back from Eastbourne.


Saw Year out with Mrs. Mona Hamilton & the Felkin's, Pearl [Brooksmith] & Bracewell at 9 Wetherby Gdns. (Flat 3). A lousy show.





My dear Wooding I have now interviewed Her Lividity's ex-fiance Mr. Laurence Felkin. Sorrowfully as one must deplore the description "that bitch Melvill," repugnant to all right-thinking persons as must appear the euphemism "that lousy old cow Turner Coles," it is hardly possible for the judicially-minded to escape the conclusion that the young man was most grievously wronged. A tour of the premises on a fast motor-bicycle only confirmed this regrettable decision. "What would Jesus do?"


