Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 15 September 1938



[I Ching Hexagram] 29.


11 Heart of Master [The Heart of the Master] to Mansell.


Mansell before 12 1/2 or Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] to lunch 1.45 El Vino.


Charming Defiles with Official Receiver. [re Crowley's Bankruptcy]


4 1/2 Maisie [Clarke] here. Pearl to dinner: drunk, nasty, cantankerous.


8.30 To to dinner ??? No: he's a Scheishund—after the Shit Prime Minister.


Opus[1] Maisie. [aleph alpha a] A.1. WAR to establish 93.



1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.


