Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 4 May 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 34.


Met cunt in Prince of Orange. Message ? [I Ching hexagram] 60. Kieh. Moon/Water tides “Regulations.” She said she would come to inspect the Abbey at 3.30: didn’t.


I called at Prince of Orange at 8; bar maid told me her name & showed me her bungalow “ASPAL” (Note the PAL=ALP=111, as so often in my destiny).


Name: (Mrs.) MAY NORTON. She failed to appear at 3 1/2 P.M.


I took 1/6 [Heroin] at 3 P.M. just in case—my breathing being just on the heavy side: again at 10 P.M. to be at my best to cable & write to Saturnus [Karl Germer]. Naughty very naughty; but nice. (N.B. very nice.)


Wrote F.H. [Frieda Harris], Asa, Charles, Shirley [Ralph Shirley], Ham [Gerald Hamilton], Mike, Pearl Brooksmith; all to get Abbey.


