Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 13 May 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 64.
Asa, business bombed, puts off visit. (See May 6 symbol for visit: [I Ching hexagram] 28, the Weak Beam.) See Thwan & [I Ching hexagram] line 1: Fox wet tail.
Budget from Frieda [Frieda Harris], full of contradictions. Included “Catalogue”—I never saw such horror. No title, no lay-out, no word of what the show was about. Utterly obscure, full of bad grammar & misspelling, ill-typed, single-spaced, full of italics a full meal for 6 hungry printers! Pages & pages (20 typescript—over 6000 words!!-) of complete obfuscation. No hint of what terms like Tetragrammaton, Sephiroth & their kind may mean. She had also sent [Mercury]—the one trump that must be done again, & in any case very unsuitable indeed for wrapper—to be reproduced very expensively so that printing & paper must be cheap!!!
I have no memory of so black a rage as has consumed me for the last 5 hours. All this though I had long ago prepared a proper catalogue, approved by Louis Wilkinson & other sensible people who understand such things; clear, modest, cheap to produce. She gave no address so I wired Morton House, R.S. Orchard and Nicholson & Venn: “Stop work on spendthrift abominations Come(?) quickliest” followed this by a note cursing her (though oh! how too mildly) & concluding: “Use my draft catalogue professionally edited, or count me out altogether.”
No greetings.
Penniless. Borrowed £1 from Chemist, got whisky, gin & sherry on tick!