Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 16 August 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 48.
12th anniversary of second (senile dementia) marriage [to Maria de Miramar].
Dance at Dorchester Hall: V Campaign.
Saw “Target for to-night" again: it improves. “A woman’s face” good, bar the imbecile distortion to make everyone 7 feet high on stilts!
Met Paula in Shaftesbury Ave. & one Mortlake. (Entered in error; really August 12th).
12.50 A.M. Woke. Strange dream some Asthma took M[orphine] & A[tropine].
Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] to lunch at C.R. [Café Royal]. Bloody good risotto aux foies volaille. 2 Griffith St. Rushden Northhants.
Fitzroy [Tavern]: met old acquaintance Lorna Rathbone VIC 3811 Ext 334 [I Ching hexagram] Zhui-45.