Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 7 October 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 38.


Bad night—strange dreams—one sexual. Cefalu & Catherine Falconer!


Bank says another £100 from Saturnus [Karl Germer].


Shall I perform an “Act of Truth” invoking Mercury by buying the gold pencil at Aspery’s in order to get the Tarot published? [I Ching hexagram] 31. Hsien. Water/Earth mutual influence. Oracle “and to” (words thus joined) AL I 16 [‘and to GK]=425=418+7=Cheth 8 plus Zain II (Gemini).


This seems to mean “Go ahead!” and I feel somewhat bound by previous volitions. BUT I feel also that I am (a) biased (b) scared at the evident rashness of the act. I decide to wait for the hexagram of the day.


