Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 12 November 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 31.
Slept suddenly: woke 4 A.M. Breathing not bad, but became so.
4 3/4 clumsy waste (1A)[Heroin].
Slept 6-8 (2)[Heroin].
Worked Noon (3)[Heroin].
Slept 2 1/2-4 (4)[Heroin]
10 1/2 Hughes here with contract. Paid £4 for 300 OZ [Liber OZ].
6 P.M. Working at Bartlett horoscope. Quite bad breathing M[orphine] & A[tropine].
9-10 3/4 Snooze—and again till midnight, when I woke, distressed.
The weather has turned horrible
Express letter from Frieda [Frieda Harris], warning me not to publish LXVII OZ. I have been trained and taught by history; the sturdy rugged nature is the only kind that makes revolutions. “No! George Bubb Doddington Lord Melcombe. No!” Browning. If you’re not dogged, you’ll be dogged!