Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 31 March 1942
[I Ching hexagram] 4.
Senseless worry (per Ham [Gerald Hamilton]) about Ration Book.
Wrote a John Hampden letter to Food Thieves “Educating” them.
Educated Cecil [Robert Cecil] at lunch: offered him 5%: £500 now £1100 when job is finished.
That strange meeting at Demos [restaurant]! Surely the Gods were there. (PS Well even They are baffled by stupidity: also by gutlessness!)
Bad night, bad diarrhoea. Less.
Silly, irritating day with bouts of hard work.
Alice away, ill.
Ham like a crazed bluebottle.
Temp OK.
Total 2/3 [Heroin] disgraceful mismanagement.
Seriously alarmed about swelling on side of foot just below instep. About 3 or 4 days I noticed it first. message: [I Ching hexagram] Khwei 38 mirage: false alarm! [I Ching hexagram] line 6. or does line 3 mean a successful operation?
ALAS Met Catherine [Catherine Falconer] !! Ill-dressed, old, dirty, skin discoloured, smile and pawky speech quite gone.