Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 20 March 1943
[I Ching hexagram] 53.
6 1/2 someone, answering Saturnus’ [Karl Germer] appeal sent—was it Japanese? How much? The rate was 231.08, I think. Came out as? $180 by my calculation but someone said he’d seen the draft & it was $100. The name AD Nourse occurred.
Cable from Jack [Jack Parsons] “Greetings will see Saturnus soon have not written yet nothing to say situation complicating boring love JP. Reply: see 19th.
Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] and Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] to lunch: “old friends” = 24 Fu.
March 20 1.50 AM Curious incident—Reading, half asleep. I was somewhere & produced L’etincelle saying: “This is my French song.”
A voice, snapping at me: “Translated by Mr. Whom?” Amazement woke me fully.