Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 21 March 1943
[I Ching hexagram] Khien—15. Word [Word of the Equinox] etc See Memoranda at end.*
Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] to lunch & tea 10-10 1/2.
J.G.B. [James Gilbert Bayley] here.
Cable from Wilfred Smith “Greetings from all”!!! Reply: see 19th.
132’s [Wilfred T. Smith] of Feb 5 came about this date.
* March 21 Sol in 0°0’0” Aries. Word FORAFAKOL from PARADILON square makes magical storms cease. Oracle AL II 54 Ring squarely on “thou” “stops as thou wilt”. Omen [I Ching hexagram] Zhui 45 Collecting, collections. Water/K. [horary figure]