Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 6 July 1943
[I Ching hexagram] 8.
Letter to Delysia etc came all OK. [I Ching hexagram] Pi 8 at Newport.
Louis [Louis Wilkinson] gave me lunch: I retorted with a Havana & ‘58!
Wild PM with Tub [Alice Upham] & Louis. He pushed me on to Dr Starkie.
Ed Bryant [Edward Bryant], to whom P.[ost] O.[ffice] had not delivered my telegram, rang up. I took him along. A good but wishy=washy talk—good enough for the Bayswater anaemics(?) there assembled. I asked her to lunch. Present: Mrs ILIINE (25 Bolton Gdns) (paisa-wallah). Russian: says no Englishwoman should be allowed to utter the name of Charles Baudelaire! Amen & Amen of Amen.
How attack Yvonne Arnaud? [I Ching hexagram] 16 Yu ? Appeal to her ambition. Theorique.