Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 4 June 1944



[I Ching hexagram] 20.


HA’s [Grady McMurtry] £20 turned up!


Tipped Feather & Elizabeth.


In hand Cash £28.10.0 (circa TMO 20.0.0 JM Walker 10.10.0 = £58.0.0. 8


Biggin: astrology [I Ching hexagram] 20 Kwan as I am to judge horoscopes of people, famous or queer, from “1001 nativities” Some notable successes: one utter flop! Perhaps!


Hopes Bax [Clifford Bax], Crow [W.B. Crow], Yorke [Gerald Yorke], Christabel [Lady Aberconway], Bryant [Edward Bryant], F.H. [Frieda Harris], Vernon, Maison, FitzG. [Edward Noel FitzGerald], G&P, Beauchamp. £80 plus big fish.


