Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 31 July 1944
[I Ching hexagram] 34.
“Houses & roofs invented”.
[Air Raid] Alert 3.52.20.
R.[aiders] P.[assed]?
Slept at once.
Bought cigarette case £30.
Brooch for watch—33º.
Chitt from Christabel [Lady Aberconway]: she is in love with the Book. She gave me a much-needed idea for a chapter XLV A.E.E. [Aleister Explains Everything] on Selfishness [letter that eventually became part of Magick Without Tears]. Wrote it straight off!
[Dr.] Phillips fixed my plate; miles better than the other ever was. A Dr. staying with him says Raymond Greene is in these parts! So I wrote, asked him to lunch. Sent him & P. [Dr. Phillips] prospectuses [for The Book of Thoth].