Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 14 November 1944



[I Ching hexagram] 25.


[Heroin] came.


Cigarettes came.


Chit from Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith].


Raving from J.T. [Janet Taylor] who wants to quit. I have been paying her much too much, & treating her as human, putting up with her persecution-mania, stupidity, and general craziness. Taking a leaf from Bishp Crow's [W.B. Crow] book, I have “chartered a few Universities” beginning with that of Jitter; and made J.T. the first HG (hypochondriac gadfly).


Won N-ZX 13-0 against Joan 1st. Never succeeded before: proud!


7.24.51 [Air Raid] Alert.


