Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 6 February 1945
[I Ching hexagram] 46.
Still more so: Transferring tablet from chemist's tubes to mine. I threw away a tube—after soaking it to get label off—lucky cork was in—with 5 1/6s left. Remembered & retrieved in time, thank the Gods!
J.T. [Janet Taylor] here with tri [Heroin] so blessed tri reserves again—long may they stay in reserve!
Wrote to D.F. [Dion Fortune] with "Minitum Mundum", Sadler [W. Dawson Sadler], Tub [Alice Upham], HA [Grady McMurtry / Letter - 6 February 1945], BT [Dr. W. Brown Thomson], Amy, Cordelia [Cordelia Sutherland / Letter - 6 February 1945].