Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 4 June 1945
[I Ching hexagram] 24.
1 flan[nel] shirt, 1 linen d[itt]o, 1 p[ai]r stockings, 4 silk handk[erchiefs], 1 print linen d[itt]o, 1 plain d[itt]o.
P.[ost] O.[ffice] Ilford accepted the 48 letters [for Magick Without Tears] to Saturnus [Karl Germer]—now package returned ([I Ching hexagram] Fu 24!) to me!
Wrote [Dr.] Ch.[arnock] Sm.[ith] re CM [Chirurgiae Magister—Dental Surgeon] etc. Cordelia [Cordelia Sutherland / Letter - 4 June 1945]. 400 [Kenneth Grant / Letter - 4 June 1945].
Clive Matthew rang up!! Appt 3.30!
Took root r.[ight] lower molar; no pain to complain of. Reaction so far (6 PM) not noticeable.