Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 12 November 1945



[I Ching hexagram] 24.


Chit from D.C. [David Curwen] with book "The secrets of the Kaula Circle" by that snotty mongrel weasel Elizabeth Sharpe. Q.[uer]y Criminal libel on pp 48-9? Saved by title-page?


Roger Wright rang.


Evan Morgan—pleurisy. Mrs. W.K. [Madame Wellington Koo - Wife of the Chinese Ambassador] d[itt]o No capisce! Thinks I'm a gee-fiend!


2 games at Q with Watson.[1] The 2nd one of the finest sacrificial mates I ever brought off.



1—[Refers either to William G. Watson, a member of the Hastings Chess Club, or Herbert Watson.]


