Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 20 March 1946



[I Ching Hexagram] 4.


Lunatic cable “Taurus W.T. Smith [Wilfred T. Smith] 1801 Tamarind”.


Walked to St Helen’s and back.


Chits from BM/VOLO.


Herb Bryan Moonchild £1.5.0.


6.53 P.M. Accepted Word [Word of the Equinox]. [SUHAL: Enoch] AQ (latter letter in Enoch) in Gnomon. “To cause visions of a Black Lion to appear”. Asc 7°40’ Libra. Omen: AL I 37 the wand ring on ewa. Oracle: [I Ching Hexagram] 48 Zing.



[From Memoranda at end of diary]


Ixx Sol in 0° Aries.


Word (see March 20) sent to Saturnus [Karl Germer]. J.W.P. [Jack Parsons] 210. L.U.W. [Louis Wilkinson]


Sol in Aries Word to H.A. [Grady McMurtry]. V.I. [Gerald Yorke]. E.N.F. [Edward Noel FitzGerald]. Evan Morgan. R. Cecil [Robert Cecil]. Crow [W.B. Crow]. G.K. Grant [Kenneth Grant]. D. Curwen [David Curwen]. F. Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger]. J.G. Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley]. Ethel Archer. Alex Watt. Dion Fortune. Tranchell Hayes. Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith]. Estai [Jane Wolfe] 516. Lady Aberconway. Frieda Harris.


