Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Thursday, 14 February 1924





Feb. 14 3:10 PM


Msbtn [masturbation]. Reverence to R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit].


Pentagram Ritual 8:10 PM—Sabitini Vision:


Vision No. 3. Arturo Sabatini I ask him to try to get BENY of first vision. No result.


He sees an island—ships—men. People coming to and fro, men working on walls.


Name of island?


NAD (Written by Seer who knows no Greek).


They are busy building walls.


93 418 bring no reply. They finish work.


Why is the seer here?


He is assisting. A force carried him there. When the work is finished he will get message. They are fortifying.


He now sees the island more clearly. There are large trees—mountains in the background. It is a new island. Large—it has a long low promontory. The central part is high. 1000 leagues from the shore.


Ships—11 large ones and one small one. This latter has a tent effect in the middle. These boats are all carrying materials.


93 93/93


The men all bow their heads.



C    3:10 PM




— Reverence to R.H.K. V.L. [Adam Murray] took oath to go on with his Prob. [Probationer] work.


