Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Thursday, 27 March 1924
(6 P.M.—It's raining.)
It's a long time between drinks! But I was too busy to write yesterday and also to-day.
Hansi didn't bother to see me off—good boy. He was interested in his 20 soldi and what is a mere mother compared with 1 whole lire in as many pieces as possible!!
This whole place is full of Germans! They all look damn prosperous.
I am a bloody fool! I worried all the way here that I wouldn't have enough money for a ticket to Paris etc. Now that that is settled I'm worrying about the baggage charge from here. Why cross the bridges before you know whether there are any Mrs. Mudd?! Mme. Stick-in-the-Mudd!
7 P.M. But I still worry! Oh what a fool I am.