Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Thursday, 3 April 1924
Long letter to O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] after or while reading most of his letter to Beast. Much still to be said.
Letter to Tanner[1] asking him to help Cefalù.
Also supplement to V.L. [Adam Murray].
Very little food yesterday—Choucroute and coffee for lunch to-day I do not begrudge the 5 francs tho it leaves me with 22.10 fr[ancs] and a few stamps.
7.50 P.M. Also wrote Bill S. and Fanny and Arturo [Arturo Sabatini] enclosing letters of introduction to Zanint [?] and Masons generally.
After 13 L. [Cocaine] to concentrate my thoughts on what to do next.
2.45 + .50 + .50 + 2.30 + 3.75 = 9.40 and got 75 for my bottle so I should have 22.10 - 8.75 = 13.35 left. I'll see. I make it 13.40. What luck!
9.05 P.M. It has just (within the last few hours dawned upon me that the power that has filled me these past few weeks is the K.[nowledge] and C.[onversation] of the H.[oly] G.[uardian] A.[ngel]. The thought of this very nearly prostrated me. I must not get a swell head. It seemed to happen just about the time I paid "My vacation is ended" and at the time of the Beast's re-birth.
9.10 P.M. - 9.35 P.M. All the more reason for re-newing my Oath. Which I have just done in silence. Part of my formula is the 4th. Power of the Sphinx.
10.48 Bed after a series of Yi divinations and a good rub down with camphorated oil.
Idea for the island. One of the Laws—the Comment in fact.
1. No drugs until certain grade of initiation has been reached. 2. And of course 2—Verses 1 Text not used indiscriminately.
I see clearly now (and it came about suddenly) that having taken the Oath at Nefta and later that of the S.W. [Scarlet Woman] I have purged myself of those false oaths which I took in June 1920 and the [ ? ] which has terrified me beyond endurance so often.
I have an idea that when the time is ripe we should issue a proclamation—an invitation to all those who will come to our island, make em sign up an Oath of allegiance and obedience and throw 'em overboard if they misbehave. We'd better collect them off the island first.
1—Tanner worked for the London Times. Leah Hirsig met him on the train she took to Paris.
Wrote letters Bill etc. Also Arturo [Arturo Sabatini] introducing him to Masons.
H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel].
Ideas for Island.
Bourcier gets balkier.
I weep!! Apr. 6
Nina Olivier to rescue.
Bourcier says pay or go out by Saturday.