Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Saturday, 24 May 1924
At Chelles S. et M.
9.30 A.M. Raining like hell. So my trip to Paris is postponed.
Been here since Tuesday May 20. Just came out for the day and 666 stayed while I went back to Paris on the 4.42, saw Goiraud, packed, paid up, Wednesday saw Goiraud again who had just rec'd Jones's kind-hearted letter etc. P.[ost] O.[ffice] (rec'd 93.75 from OPV [Norman Mudd].) Rushed home and caught the 11.50 back to Chelles, well laden with baggage.
Very tired and rather irritable, on and off. But we are coming on, thank you.
666 asked me to note in my diary "I want to do away with the words Science and Art"—I said this yesterday and he seemed to think it was worth noting.
Wrote OPV and Eddie [Eddie Saayman] this morning.
Here since May 20.
Science and Art.
Rest of this diary contains letters and lists, etc.