Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Thursday, 2 October 1924
Somewhere after 7. I've been anxious about O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] but wrote a long letter to A.C.
The three sons of mythology I spoke about to O.P.V. and Beast.
Who was the Beast's first Magical
Son? Not Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones]
[Note on opposite page]
( By Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]—Only one son
By Me Sullivan?, Raoul [Raoul Loveday], O.P.V. )
He is No. 2 O.P.V. is No. 3
Later—A white dog with black nose and ears came and sat on my bed!
Too bad this is all so fragmentary but I'll get a chance to work it our sooner or later.
3 The Rule of Three
3 Magical sons.
Maid may become mother of 3 physical children
3 deaths for 156
V.L. [Adam Murray] is daughter after all in one way.
King has 3 sons (if more—youngest is heir.) This all works with elder 2 N.G. (—law of reversal) 3rd. Son—Heir, pure fool, Parsifal, Dumling.
3 Daughters 1st. 2 are N.G. 3rd. is Seer, Kundry, Cinderella;
(This of course to be worked out on all planes.)
The Beast—Father
3 Scarlet Women Rose Hilarion Alostrael
Rose—Magical sons? None, therefore divorced—failed Material Plane.
Hilarion—One Magical Son Achad, therefore deserted failed intellectual plane.
Alostrael—3 magical sons, 3 daughters, therefore fulfilled III -v43 -45 on all planes.
? Sullivan Elder son
Raoul Elder son
O.P.V. Dumling (Parsifal) bring feather and lance home to father.
2 Magical Daughters Helen Hollis step-daughter Ninette [Ninette Shumway] step-daughter Dorothy Cinderella—marry the prince.
On another line
perhaps the Virgin