Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Wednesday, 12 November 1924
9 A.M. The ceremony didn't come off—all unnecessary. Read V.L.'s [Adam Murray] record—long talk on sexual part of it.
Massage and bed after the Rose serpent design of P.M.
Feeling sickish.
V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke] to G.T., Amer. Express and Chemist at 10.30—not back till 2! A bit anxious about her.
Fixed up 156 [Leah Hirsig] book [Book of Babalon]—blue, gold, green—Lust of result.
Telegram Touggourt.
Telegram ADO [Dorothy Olsen]
Letter—Frank Harris.
To P.[ost] O.[ffice] and Pavillon Frères at 3.30—Home 5.30.
Tonique Vin Marianni—good.
Bed 9 P.M.