Leah Hirsig





B  A  B  A  L  O  N






Used thus far (Oct. 9, 1924 e.v.) g in A


I. OCT. 3

a. Letter to Dr. Jarvis [Dr. Charles Jarvis] (omitting 3-4-3)

b. Letter to Aimée [Aimée Gouraud] (blundering by starting with thumb and omitting 3-4-3)

c. Letter to The Scribe Ankh-af-na-Khonsu (Registered)


Written before 5.30 P.M. on Friday Oct. 3, 1924 e.v.


These were given to Parsifal [Norman Mudd] to post but before he went out I places this seal on him as follows:


II. Oct. 3

The Penis of Parsifal, by placing and pressing my left forefinger on the tip if his penis, saying the numbers 3-4-3.


III. Oct. 7

The envelope enclosing 3 letters to 666.


These letters were marked.


I. Red paper and envelope as per P.

II. Yellow paper and envelope as per P.

III. Blue paper and envelope as per P.


These envelopes were left unsealed—the seal only on the white envelope enclosing them.


IV. OCT. 9

The seal placed at the beginning of this book.


V. OCT. 10

(Very weak and in a sort of unconscious way) on packet for Aimée (my miniature).


VI. Oct. 11

One each of the following left at 64 Ave. du Maine (more as a mark of recognition than as protection, i.e. consciously so).



2 cases

1 sleeping bag

2 packets of books—7 copies of Yi in each

1 top hat

Pictures in cellar not so marked but left at 64.


If there are any others, they are of no import. I have a vague recollection that there were.


This ends, so far as she knows for the present at any rate, the need for the Seal of Babalon, in the spirit used thus far.




Here follow copies of letters sent to 666—with detailed accounts and explanations—not worth copying. 666 has or had these letters and that is enough.



11.30 A.M.     Oct 12/[19]24 e.v.     AN. XX Aeon of Horus      in       in ?


Notes on Seal of Babalon


1. Some time previous I talked to Z about this and decided nothing definite.


2. Since then I began to see a little and I shall use this book now to joy down whatever occurs to me or whatever work I am actually doing with regard to the Seal of Babalon.


Just to clean up.



a. The actual seal—red—wax imprint of left forefinger was the first of these.

b. My placing that forefinger on the Mentula of Z was the second.

c. The next a plan (very vague) of a robe for myself—Oct. 6.

d. The last, the marks on the covers of this book—Oct. 9.


Front Egg—sun and moon—rays of sun; Centre tho' at first a definite blue egg finally messed up.


All of these have to do with uniting


1. Red and White

2. Black and White   3

3. Black and gold   4          of the 4


and harmonising (5) Blue—the 5th.


Started by Magical ceremony Oct. 4.


(details again noted of this ceremony)



Cap. I

1. Stooping star light

2. Sweet smelling perfume

3. Silver and gold, lapis lazuli and jasper and rare scents jasmine and rose and emblems of death.

4. Black to the blind—red circle—blue and gold.

5. Rich jewels

6. Single robe—rich head dress

Pale and Purple—veiled or voluptuous

Purple and drunkenness. Put on the wings

(sing—burn perfumes wear jewels)

7. Blue-lidded daughter of sunset.



Cap. II

1. Everywhere centre—Nuit nowhere found yet she known and I never.

2. Axle of wheel and cube in circle

3. 21   ?

4. 26   ?

5. of the 4 - 5th.—invisible

6. Blue and gold—red gleam in eye—spangles purple and green.

7. Purple beyond purple.

8. Cut out black—Veil of modest woman.



Cap. III

Perfume etc

Silver and gold

Covered with jewels and rich garments

Mary inviolate—cut out white  ?  ?

Silver, gold, stones of precious water, sparks of intimate force



Colours then

1. Red

2. Gold

3. Blue

4. Green

Blue  ?  invisible

5. Purple



Designs—some appended—and 3.30 P.M. Nov. 14—


I place the seal of Babalon on you, Fra V.L. [Adam Murray]



1—The seal of Babalon consists of the imprint of her left forefinger with the numbers 3-4-3 (I omitted these numbers I think on documents 1 and 2—also I started to use left thumb with No. 2 and felt that that shot would not reach home.












1 - 31




32 - 62




63 - 93




93 - 109












Yi Divinations since Sept. 20 (Nov. 23)




Wednesday Nov. 12, 1924 e.v. 12.20 P.M.

This book was started with a definite purpose, which purpose exhausted itself—no—expanded and purified itself on


Nov. 11, 1924 e.v.

After 11 days of rain from the Cup of Babalon.


line under each of the items noted before 11-11-24 e.v. indicates this expansion.







Thursday Nov. 13, 1924 e.v. 3.30 P.M.

And now to work without lust of result.


Sunday Nov. 23

Note my remarks on P. 165.


Oh Babalon, how thou hast fallen! Ruse up. Let Silence be your Word. Close the . . .


Friday     Alp

Friday Nov. 7. 3.27 A.M.

Shot No. I   Alp




Conscious—premeditated plus inspirational.


Result expected this month or early next.




Saturday Nov. 8 5.30 P.M.

20 of 333     promise of cerberi heads.



Nov. 12

Buckles not to be sent as planned.



Nov. 13 — 3 P.M.

Picture found in court after 6 day's exposure to and


Praise unto RA=HOOR-KHUIT!



Monday Nov. 10 3.15 A.M.

Prepared—probably New York.


(P.S. Not sent.)



Saturday Nov. 8

5.30 - 6 P.M.

I.N. unstamped White light.



Monday Nov. 10   12.30 P.M.




Monday   3.15 A.M.   A L M

Rochester (as per I) London


(P.S. Not to be sent.)




Monday Nov. 10   3 A.M.

Law of Θελημα


Sent Nov. 11, 1924 e.v.





Saturday Nov. 8   6.30 P.M.

Portrait of a young girl.








10-11-24 e.v.

The work of the moon is over.


11-11-24 e.v. the World War starts.





Nov. 22/[19]24 e.v.


8. P.M.

1. Symbol for slaying of the Peacock.

[I Ching Hexagram] X.


2. Union of symbols 33, 4, 5, 6, 2, 47, 43, 49, 61

[I Ching Hexagram] I.


3. Union of symbols 61, 18; 62

[I Ching Hexagram] XLIII.


4. General symbol for the Work until      enters.

[I Ching Hexagram] XXXIII.



Written up Sunday Nov. 23/[19]24 e.v.   7.30 P.M.

Yi Divinations since Sept. 30


Series I


1. Saturday Sept. 20 Eq[uino]x [I Ching Hexagram] No. 45 Water of Yoni.

at Chantilly by 666 and ADO [Dorothy Olsen].



2. Sunday Oct. 12 [I Ching Hexagram] No. 62 Fire of Earth.

at Hotel Modern by O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] for complement of above.



3. Saturday Nov. 22 [I Ching Hexagram] No. 10 Phallus of Water.

Uniting these—Symbol for slaying of Peacock.



Series II


Sunday Nov. 16

1. Symbol for V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke] [I Ching Hexagram] No. 33 Phallus of Earth.


2. Symbol for self (as guidance) . [I Ching Hexagram] No. 4 Earth of Moon.


Tuesday Nov. 18

3. Combining these by eliminating common factor

for self [I Ching Hexagram] No. 5 Moon of Phallus.


4.       for V.I. [I Ching Hexagram] No. 6 Phallus of Moon.


5. For self (independent) [I Ching Hexagram] No. 2 Yoni of Yoni.


6. For herself (V.I.—chosen by her) [I Ching Hexagram] No. 47 Water of Moon.


7. Supplementary

a. Course re V.I. [I Ching Hexagram] No. 43 Water of Phallus.

b. A to get Q out of house? [I Ching Hexagram] No. 49 Water of Sun.

c. To Cefalù [I Ching Hexagram] No. 51 Fire of Fire.


Saturday Nov. 23

Combining 1 - 7 of Series 1 (Selected by V.I.) [I Ching Hexagram] No. I Phallus of Phallus.



Series 3


Friday Nov. 21

1. Our course of action especially re Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]  [I Ching Hexagram] No. 51 Fire of Fire.


2. Course of action re Hansi  [I Ching Hexagram] No. 18 Earth of Air.


3. Course of action re Brethren [I Ching Hexagram] No. 62 Fire of Earth.


Nov. 22


Uniting these (selected by V.I.) [I Ching Hexagram] No. 43 Water of Phallus.

Note—an error in saying the nos. to her. Said 61 for 51.



Series 4


Saturday Nov. 22

General symbol for The Work until enters . [I Ching Hexagram] No. 33 Phallus of Earth.



Series 5


Nov. 23

Attitude to take re Police and Carte d'Identite. [I Ching Hexagram] No. 7 Yoni of Moon.


Nov. 23   8 P.M.

Resume and farewell to Symbols of the Yi for the time being.


For the time being I am confused. My first attempts seemed clear enough but I have made just several too many. There is really only one answer for all the questions.


W O R K !

W O R K  without lust of result !

L U R K ,   W I T H D R A W !


And forget the whole set of divinations.


I close the book.



Note Dec. 10. I did so and wrapped it up in a paper with the following label.

"To be left alone till I am typing my diaries."


AN EXAMPLE OF BRAVADO, LUST OF RESULT and all the rest of them.


But in typing, I find it is worse that all that.


